Humanities 7

  • Lifetime of Lucy

    Lucy lived about 4 million years ago. She was biped and she was an omnivore.
  • Homo Habilis

    They lived 2 million years ago. They were known as Handy Man because they were the first to create tools.
  • Homo Erectus

    They lived 1.8 million years ago. They were known as Upright Man.
  • Neanderthals

    They lived 500 thousand years ago.They had larger brains.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    They had agriculture. THey were the closest thing to modern humans.
  • Rise of the Kingdom of Sumer

    This happened in approximately 2900 BCE. The 7 characteristics of civilization are stable food supply, religion, government, culture, technology, writing, and social structure.
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh

    Discovered in 7th century BCE in royal library. Gilgamesh was the son Godess Ninsun and a mortal. He goes on adventures to kill The Bull of Heaven and Humbaba with his equal, Enkidu. Also, Gilgamesh tried to achieve immortality, but failed. He was an important king in Sumer.
  • Abraham

    1900 BCE. He was the first person to talk to God in the bible, He also was the first one to believe in one god. He went to Canaan and places in that general area.
  • Hammurabi's Code

    1792-1750 BCE. Hammurabi’s Code contain a list of 210 laws. People of Babylon had to follow or else, they will be punished. His punishments were not relevant to the crime committed. Hammurabi was the king of Babylon and got the rights to rule and make laws from Shamash, the Sun God.
  • Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow

    1700-1280 BCE. Joseph is a dream reader he interprets dream. Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob and great grandson of Abraham. Joseph was the elventh son out of Jacob's tewlve sons. Joesph was sold into salvery by his elven hateful brothers.
  • Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments

    1280-1240 BCE. Moses was the savior for the jews,he seperated the Nile river so that the jews can be free and after that went to the top of a mountion where he saw a burning bush that had no ashes. In the bible it is said that Moses heard the vocie of God though the bush and there god told Moses the Ten Commandments that he wrote down and bought back down the the jews so they know the rules of God.
  • The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings

    Middle of 13th century to middle of 11th century BCE. Judges ruled not kings.
  • The Reign of David

    1013-973 BCE. King David ruled for 40 years.
  • Elijah

    875-853 BCE. He was really good at getting the gods and goddesses attention. They would come down to him whenever he called. He also was know for sacrifices.
  • Siege of Lachish

    701 BCE. Lachish was taken over by the Assyrian Empire.Assyrians destroyed 46 cities and took 200,150 captives. Lachish showed misery. People in Lachish were deported to Assyrian empires.
  • Siege of Jerusalem

    587 BCE. People of Jerusalem fought at war with its own kingdom. A temple was destroyed. The land was taken over by a dominant king. Also people were exile.
  • Indus Valley Civilizations

    2000 BCE. There were bath tanks found and they were excatly the same as the ones from the temples.
  • The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas

    1700BCE. After the Aryans invaded the indus valley the two merged it to one relgion. Then soon after the Vedas were made and wirrten in Sankcirt, written by Brham.
  • The Ascetics and the Upanishads

    700BCE-500BCE. The Asectics were nomadic warriors that wanted to concor the Indus Vally and started a war between them. Soon the Asectics won and settled there but changed the reglion a little here and they and wrote the Upanishads telling about the Gods and goddess.