lifetime of lucy
lucy was called a austalopithecus Afarensis. she was living 4million years ago. Lucy and her family must of had a hard time living brcause they only had known of a ax meaning only a rock to them to hunt. -
Homo Habilis
They lived 2million years ago. Homo habilis was the first human beings to learn how to migrate. Also they were they were the first human beings to create simple tools. They hunted with their simple tools and it made life a bit easier for themselfs than Lucys family. -
Homo Erectus
Homo erectus lived 1.8milion years ago. Homo erectus hunted with small groups so it wasnt as hard to hunt as what Lucy and the homo erectus hunted. -
Neanderthals lived 1.8million years ago. Neaderthals were the first hominid to care and use burial when a person died in their clan. They are also knowned because they were the strongest himinid out of all the hominids. -
Rise of the kingdom of Sumer
Sumer was a civilization that had the 7 characteristics of a civilization. Those 7 characetristics are technology, water, food supply, cunieform, art, religon, and a social stucture. They were polytheistic. Sumer was located in the Southern Mesopatamia. People in Sumer had lived in families. -
Gilgamesh was a king in Uruk. He craved for enternal life. He fought Humbaba and The Heaven Bull. Gilgemesh refused to marry the most beautiful women in Uruk because she was cruel. I think gilgemesh has a heart and could make his own descisions. -
Abraham was a monotheistic person. he only listened to one god and did as he said. Abraham almost sacraficed his own son due to the god but and angel stopped Abraham at the last second. Abraham was promiised a great nation and his name would be spread. -
Hanurabi's code
Hammurabi's code was the first code made in every civilization. the code was made by Hammurabi. The reason why the code was made was because hammurabi wanted a civilized civilization. First Shamsh chose hammurabi to be ruler then hammburabi made the law. -
joseph goes to Egypt and the isrealites follow.
Joseph goes to Egypt and is a prisoner. Until the pharoh needs a dream interpreter. So Joseph interprets the dreams and becomes a great person in Egypt. And this seige happened in 701 B.C.E -
Moses and the 10 Conmmandments.
Moses went to Egypt to save his people. So he says that if the Egyptians don't release them they will be cursed. So he save all his people. -
the time of judges/ the time before kings
Deborah ranks highest our of most of the isrealites. Deborah was not only known because of her wisdom ,Deborah was also known for her courage. Deborah was a judge. -
the reign of david
David was a king who ruled in Judah. He was a person who was chosened by saul because of his soldier skills. he defeated Goliath. -
Seige of Judah
The seige of Jerusalam took place in 601 bce. The babylonian seiged Jerusalam. -
seige of Lachish
The seige was called The seig of Lachish. It took place in 701 bce. The Assyrians seiged the Lachish. -
indus valley civilizzation
The Indus Valley -
Invasion of Aryans-veda
The ascetics-The Upanishads
homo sapien sapien
homo sapien sapien lives in the modern time = still living. they used their time to play eat get educated and entertain thierselfs. they had a democracy as a goverment.