Lifetime of Lucy
4 million years ago
Austrolpiticus Aferencis
* walked on two feet
* hands are free so they are able to gather food with their hands, protect themselves, protect their children.
* they can do many things without haveing to worrry about balance.
* teeth are designed for an omnivorous diet, this means that the lifetime of lucy was healthier. -
Homo Habilis
2 million years ago
* Bigger brain than Lucy
* Can walk on two feet
* developed weapons and tools
* also has an omnivorous teeth and diet
* started to skin animals -
Homo Erectus
1.8 million years ago
* Walk on twp feet
* Collect food
* Bigger than Lucy and homo erectus
* more advaced tools than
* fire use ( warmth, scare off animals)
* more productive
* made Communities -
Homo sapien neitherathas
less than 500,000 years
* Bigger brain than Lucy, Homo Habilis, Homo erectus
* Buried the dead
* collect food
* walked on two feet
* fire
* good scence of communities
* thought there was an afterlife
* no writing -
Homo Spien Sapien
Mordern Humans
* Agriculture
* Permenent Homes
* By peds (Walked on two feet)
* Sephisticated food
* great tools
* Omnivors
* teeth are designed for omnivorous diet
* Larger brains than any other kind of human
* solid control of fire
* Burry the dead
* symbols of communication
* writing -
Rise of the kingdom of Sumer
Sumer was located in Mesopotamia. the geographical features are the lebanon mountains and the desert. their government was like the eguptians. they were polytheistic. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
he took the throne at the age of 20. the gods did not like his ways so they created Enkidu to fight Gilgamesh,they are friends.they seek to kill the monster humbaba,they succed.ishtar the goddess of beuty did not like because he refused her marriage,she sent the bull of heavan to kill Gilgamesh but then E and G beat him and offer the heart to the gods. then Enkidu dies after Gilgamesh seeks utnapishtim for eternal life,he gets flower of youth and and the snake eats it, thats how snakes shed -
Abraham lived in Ur. god commanded him to move to isreal. sarah his wife could not have kisd but in her elderly years she had a baby. his name was issac. god commanded him to kill his son but god spared him at the last moment. he then moved to cannen and jacob had 12 sons they became the 12 tribes of isreal. -
Hummerabi's code
Hummerabi was ordered by the gods to make a code of laws. the gods also ordered him to be the king. he made the code mostly for orphans and widows because they are vunerable to the outside world. the most inportant ones help with the vunerable people in the country. -
Joseph goes to egypt
son of jacob. his brother was jealous and faked his death and sold him into slavery. he became prime minister because he could interperate dreames better than anyone. there had become femine in palistine and the isralites moved to eygypt. -
Moses and the ten comm.
under new kingdom the jewish people were enslaved. Ramses the great was pharoah. he was afraid that they would revot and grow so they ordered to kill all the male babies. moses mother put him in a basket and pushed him down a river. soon the daughter of the paroah found him and kept him. he soon then knew that he was moses and he told the pharoah to let them go but then ten plauges were sent on the egyptians. -
time of the judges/timebefore kings
middle of the 13th century-middle of the 11th century
Deborah was the first female judge. she calls a warrior and orderes him to fight the jewish warrior. the jewish warrior wins. ruth is a poor widow girl. she has nothing so she follows her brother-in-laws wife(which she is also a widow)niome to the city in which ruth goes everyday to the feild to pick up the scraps of food that was left on the ground of the feild from any from any farmers. she is the grand mother of David -
The Reign of David
there was a fight and daid was just a sheperd boy. the man picked to fight was afraid and david said that he would take his place. everybody laughed but he beat the other warrior. sal was a king and david was getting very popular and sal was afraid that david may take over. sal tried many times to kill david but it does not work. sal soon dies and david is the new king. he moved the jews to jerusalam and there he was put on the flag of isreal its the star of david. -
at this time there were no more good kings. god tells him to go to the desert and a bird will bring you food. soon he goes back to the city and reaches the king. he sees that they are worshipping Baul. he tells the king that this is wrong. so he has a challenge and then Elijah wins.the fire takes everything but the king and Elijah and then the drought ends and Gesel( the kings wife) get torn by dogs into peices. -
Seige of Lachish
the city of lachish was a empire as the sumerian empire had been. here they believed in one god and many of the people were faithful. there were wars fought for the land but the summerian empire lost and the soldiers from the other side of the war like the summerians were led into exile. -
Seige of Jerusalem
jerusalem was also in war. they were taken over by another country at that time. they were faithful and had believed in one god. -
indus valley civilization
they lived near water and grew many crops. they worshipped many gods and had many statues of them. people had found artifacts from the indus valley. they found huge water tanks for bathing. they also found buildings woth statues all aroud it. -
the aryian invasion and the vedas
the aryians traveled throught Europe and asia conquring everything they pass through. they were not agricultural people, so rather then fertility symbols they crafted weaponry. they only worshipped male gods. they also did fire sacrifices.the vedas were the first pieces of wrighting. -
the ascetics and the upanishads
they had preists that made the class and social status. they lived very spiritualy and cared about their religion. they demanded complicated rituals. they were dedicated to a spiritual life. they had spiritual masters. they believe in higher self.