7500 BCE
Agriculture Begins
The growing of crops and or other plants for the use of human consumption has been discovered. People have realized that they can take the seeds from a plant and grow many plants to become a food source for them. The discovery of agriculture has relieved the need to hunt and gather foods. The convenience of growing food made people stay in one area and establish villages. There was no longer a need to be a nomad. Agriculture has evolved to become essential to life. -
3500 BCE
Phonetic Alphabet Developed By Sumerians (Literature)
The Sumerians were the first group to develop a written alphabet. Thousands of clay tablets containing Sumerians cuneiform writing on them have been found in Ancient Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq. This alphabet was evolved from an aplphabet that was primarly pictographic before cuneiform. This was the first civilization to create a writing system that did not involve pictures to describe what they were talking about. This is important to me because it is the start of modern day language. -
3500 BCE
Domestication of Horses
About 5,500 years ago, humans figured out how to utilize horses to their advantage. Horses were mainly found in Spain and other parts of Europe but were kept wild. Nomads starting realizing they could use these very big and strong animals to make life easier in a lot of ways. They enabled people to travel great distances and gave different cultures the chance to trade and exchange ideas and technology. These animals also helped to plow lands, carry large, cleared forests, and were used in war. -
3000 BCE
Around 3000 BCE, the started using a physical thing that replaced just trading items. People could now obtain a currency that had the same value to everybody instead of having to barter items, which didn't always work out for the best. Money also led to the inventions of banks and loaning people money. I think money was a very important invention because using money helped the ease of commerce and exchanging of goods. Money has led to funding people on their ideas and businesses as well. -
2750 BCE
Imhotep builds the first Pyramid (History)
The first great physician and architect in recorded history is asked by the Egyptian ruler Zoser to build a great monument in Saqqara, Egypt. Imhotep takes on that requests by building the first stepped stone pyramid. It is considered the first great monumental building built by man. I believe this great event led to the expansion of architecture and the building of bigger and greater monuments later down the line. -
2700 BCE
Ziggurats were massive structures built in ancient Mesopotamia. They served as temples for the people to go to for worshipping. Ziggurats have the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels. I believe ziggurats were very significant in human civilization because this symbolized constructing a building for religious purposes. The architecture was amazing but the idea of having a place for religion is almost in every religion and this was the first temple built. -
Jan 1, 1300
The Compass
Magnetic compasses may have been made somewhat obsolete by satellites and global positioning systems, but their impact on early navigation and exploration was inestimable. The compass was originally invented in China in the 14th century. It became the primary navigation tool, especially for sailors. I think the compass has led explorers to find a lot of new lands and has been the one the best tools for navigation. I also think the compass has helped humans not to get lost on many occassions. -
Jan 1, 1300
The Renaissance (Philosophy)
Peoples' minds were expanded greatly in the age of the Renaissance. People were thinking outside of the box and inventing more things and coming up with scientific theories. Humans questioned tradition and standing beliefs and battled them with science and other thoughts. The Renaissance gave us new light and philosophy on life. I think the the Renaissance gave us the new ideas and shaped how we think today. It lasted from 1300-1700 AD. -
Jan 1, 1440
Invention of the Printing Press
Around 1440 in Mainz, Germany, Gutenberg's machine improved on already on already existing presses through the uses of a mould that allowed for the rapid production of lead alloy type pieces. This assembly line method of copying books enabled a single printing press to create as many as 3,600 pages per day. Martin Luther used this printing press to copy "The 95 Thesis" which started the Protestant Reformation. Books and newspapers have also helped humans to pass info along easier than talking. -
Discovery of Electricity
Electricity is a form of energy and it occurs in nature. There have been many people that have contributed to inventions to harness electricity and use it to better human life. Electricity is the main reason for numerous inventions and technologies of today. Manufacturing of products and overall style of living has become so much easier than it was before electricity was discovered and harnessed. Without this discovery and inventions to follow, the internet and other things wouldn't exists. -
World War I & II
The first world war was the first of war that literally involved more than 3 quarters of the population on the planet. World War II was a direct cause of World War 1. Millions of people were killed in the first World War and even more were killed in World War II. I think the human race learned that history should be taught so we can learn from past mistakes, especially from these wars. Massive genocides were involved as well. I think people also learned to recognize propaganda easier. -
Gunpowder invented in China
The invention of gunpowder was actually a mistake. Chinese alchemists were trying to find a potion for impartiality and instead they wound up making an explosion. Gunpowder consists of potassium nitrate, common charcoal, and sulfur. The invention of gunpowder has lead humans to create things like dynamite and all types of guns. This invention has also led humans to be able to kill other humans easier and has led to huge genocides of some societies.