Mar 19, 700
1818:The Ascetics And The Upanishads
They lived there lives by migrating across India to the Ganges Valley. They are about the Brahmins. They were written to dedicated to a spritual life. The ascetics was untouched by the social system. -
Jan 13, 701
Siege Of Lachish
3,000 years ago,our world was at war. In 700 B.C.E. Assyrians in Iraq bulit a empire that was from Iraq to Egypt. Lachish is know as Tell Ed- Duweir. -
Dec 21, 1013
The Reign Of David
David was chosen to be king. He became king by being selected to replace Saul after Saul didn't follow God's instructions in the war against amalekites. When he was king he successfully defeated the enemies of Israel. -
1817:The Aryan Invasion And The Vedas
The Aryans came from Northern India. They were very religious people. They brought a new language and belief system. The Vedas arrived at the bedrock of the Hindu thought system. They were written in 5000 BCE. They were a collection of hymns. -
Joseph Goes To Egypt And The Israelities Follow
Joseph was the step father to the lord. Joseph in the old Testament was a boy that his brothers sold to Egypt. Joseph married a daughter of the pricts of Egypt. Hcrod plotted to kill Jesus but Joseph, being warned in a dream, too mary and jesus to Egypt and remained there intil Hcrod died. -
LifeTime Of Lucy
Discovered 3.5 million years ago. First full skelton of the species. She was about 3 feet 8 inches tall. -
Homo Habilis
1.8 million B.C.E. The nickname of Homo Habilis is handy man. It lived in Eastern and Southern Africa. Lived 2,4 million to 1.4 million years ago -
Homo Erectus
The first apperance of hominids outside of Africa. Tool makers and use of fire. The brain size was increased over halibis . Appeared 1.8 million years ago. -
Homo Sepien Neanerthal
Found and Asia and Europe. Bigger than modern humans. Lived about 200,000,28,000 years ago. -
The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was both legend and possibly a real person. As a real person he was the fifth King of Uruk one of the Sumerian peoples. As a legend he was a mighty king and half god. He met a man who had living as a beast of Enkidu. Enkidu and they had adventures. But when he died Gilgamesh was very lonely. So he went in and searched of Utnapishtim, the one man whom the Gods saved from the flood, and was supposed to be able to give unlasting life. -
Abraham was a tribal leader of the ancient Habiru or Hebrew people who professes belief was not to believe in any other god. He was the founder of Judaism. He was also the founder of Islam. In Islam he is considered the father of the Arabs and Hebrews. He was the father of Isaac who was the father of Jacob who was the father of Joseph. -
Hammurabi's Code
King Hammurabi was the sixth ruler of ancient Babylom, an the first dynasty king of the Babylonian Empire. Who lived from 1818 bce to 1750 bce. He is best known for creating some of the earliest codified laws. The code of Hammurabi is set of 125 laws and devised by the Babylonian King, Hammurabi. -
The Time Of The Judges/ The time before King
Deborah was a judge in Israel. Her job as a judge was to hear other people's stories and decide who is gulity and non guilty. Ruth was a daughter in law to Naomi. Naomi's son died leaving ruth a widow. -
Elijah was Joseph's son. Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon. -
1816:Indus Valley Civiliztions
The artifacts that were found are a water tank, temples and public bathing. Religious worship was important to the Indus people. They survived since they did things such as trading and supplying water. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Modern Humans -
Mosses, the Exodus from Egypt and the Ten Commandments
Moses was prophet of God used mightly by God to bring Israel oit of captivity, communicate the commandments to the people of Isreal and lead them through the wilderness. He was the administrator of the old Testament, were jesus is the administrator of the New Testament. He was forbidden to enter the promise land, went up on a mountain and the Lord translated him into heaven. -
Siege Of Jerusalem
Wallsas far as south Tower O f King David. Jersusalem's nothern and western walls. They bulit equipment. -
Rise of the kingdom of sumer
Sumer is located in southern Iraq (mesopotamia) Syrian desert, fertile soil Tigris and Euphrates river Persian Gulf and zagros mountains were near Sumer. The sumerians were affected politically by the invention of the goverment. They envented to to organize labor. They envented the pottor's wheel, the wagon wheel the sundial and the cunieform.