
Human Trafficking

By pos227
  • First Slaves in North America

    First Slaves in North America
    The first cargo of African slaves arrived in the colony of Virginia.
  • Massachusetts Bans Slavery

    Massachusetts Bans Slavery
    Massachusetts becomes the first state to ban slavery.
  • Abolitionists Movements to end slave trade

    Abolitionists Movements to end slave trade
    U,S. passes laws outlawing slave trade, but not slavery itself.
  • African Slave Trade Treaty Act

    African Slave Trade Treaty Act
    Negotiation between U.S and Britain to end Atlantic Slave Trade.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the Confederate states.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment abolishes slavery in the United States.
  • White-Slave Traffic Act

    White-Slave Traffic Act
    Representative Mann introduced the act at the request of Chicago prosecuters, that claimed that girls and women were being forced into prostitution by pimps.
  • Suppression of White Slave Traffic Changes

    Suppression of White Slave Traffic Changes
    The Suppression of White Slave Traffic was changed to "traffic in women and children" due to the fact that victims were of different ages, genders, and race.
  • Immoral Traffic Act

    Immoral Traffic Act
    India initiated the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, which persecuted third parties involved in trafficking. It's goal was to help control and prevent human trafficking but it needed to be reformed.
  • Fourth World Conference on Women

    Fourth World Conference on Women
    The United Nations held the fourth World Conference in Beijing, China to address the issue of women being vitims of human trafficking. Major actions were developed to help the issue, such as enforcing international conventions on trafficking and human slavery.
  • La Strada International Association

    La Strada International Association
    La Strada International (LSI) was founded. It is a European NGO network against human trafficking.
  • TVPA Passed

    TVPA Passed
    President Clinton assigned The Trafficking Victim Protection Act (TVPA), the first act that addresses human trafficking, which was passed by Congress on October 28, 2000. The act was created to protecting, prosecuting and preventing.
  • Trafficking Becomes a Felony

    Trafficking Becomes a Felony
    The first human trafficking criminal staute was enacted by the state of Washington. The majority has passed state legislation, making trafficking a felony.
  • Polaris Project

    Polaris Project
    Polaris Project is the biggest organization fighting against human trafficking and a nation wide human trafficking hotline. It was founded by Derek Ellerman and Katherine Chonand.
  • Human Trafficking Awareness Month

    Human Trafficking Awareness Month
    President Obama declared January to be Human Trafficking Awareness Month (HTA).