"Children, sold for as little as $45, can earn more than $600 per night for their captors."
"Aid groups estimate that some 38,000 children are trapped in the sex trade there."
"More than 500 mostly small-scale trafficking syndicates--Nigerian, Chinese, Indian and Russian, among others--collude with South African partners, including recruiters and corrupt police officials, to enslave local victims."
"In 1996 the south african constitution expressly forbids slavery, South Africa has no stand-alone law against human trafficking in all its forms."
"In 1996 the south african constitution expressly forbids slavery, South Africa has no stand-alone law against human trafficking in all its forms." -
"1.4 million AIDS orphans are the most vulnerable."
Andre Lombard, 39, a pastor of the Christian Revival Church, and other volenteers gave food, blankets and Bibles to the dozens of women and girls selling sex not far from the World Cup.
"Police identified the Maitland as a base of drug- and human-trafficking operations."
"officials rescued dozens of underage girls and seized weapons and thousands of dollars' worth of drugs."
"Police raided the Maitland in 2008 and shut the place down."
"Obama has pledged to make the fight to abolish modern-day slavery."
"South African officials claim that Parliament will pass a comprehensive law against human trafficking in early 2010."
"Newly elected South African President Jacob Zuma addressed fears about sex trafficking in a speech."