200,000 BCE
4 million years ago it inhabited the earth. Present day Ethiopia. It was 1 meter tall and it lived in the trees. It was the hominid, it was the start of our first train of inhabitants -
200,000 BCE
Homo Habilis
2.5- 1.6 mya, a group of homo Habilis inhabited the world, they used stone tools which were the first tools created. They were also called the handy human, they invented tools which would live on for a very long time. The tools they made allowed other humans to advance the tools they already had. -
200,000 BCE
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus rises around 5 million BCE. They were the first ones that hunted food. They also migrated from Africa to find new territories and land. They were important too because they were the first ones that founded hunting making it easier to kill animals and gather food. -
200,000 BCE
Early Hominids was the use of fire. As the early hominids moved from tropics into colder regions, they needed to adjust to the new climate conditions that were cold. Homo Erectus was the first to discover fires. This was important because they needed it to alive, they also would start cooking animals on it for better food. -
200,000 BCE
Around 600,000 the first spears were invented. The invention of stone-tipped spears was a significant point in human evolution, allowing our ancestors to kill animals more efficiently and have more regular access to meat, which they would have needed to make them grow and become smarter. -
200,000 BCE
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Homo Sapiens Sapiens was the second group that descended from homo sapiens. They were the first that took the physical appearance we have today. They spread out of Africa to other parts of the world around 100,000 years ago, replacing populations of earlier hominids in the region of Europe and Asia. Homo Sapiens Sapiens then took out the rest of the Neanderthals, with tools and clothes, making us the main group of living people. -
Period: 200,000 BCE to 5000 BCE
Human Migration
100,000 BCE
Ice Age
The most recent ice age was 100,000 B.C and it ended around 8,000 B.C, because of this catastrophic event, ice sheets began melting which covered large amounts of Europe, Asia, and North America. The sea levels went down which cause amounts of land to show, allowing humans to migrate across bridges that had not existed before. It did cause a serious threat though making it crucial for humans to live and adapt. -
100,000 BCE
Out of Africa Theory
This is when Homo Sapiens Sapiens moved out of Africa. This proves that humans migrated out of Africa. They did this because they needed food to eat, which means they needed to kill animals, they also used them to make clothes. Eventually, they killed the majority of the animals and had to find somewhere else to go, so they migrated from Africa. -
75,000 BCE
Mount Toba Eruption
Super Volcano eruption that happened in South East Asia. It leads to the Earth covered in ash and killed plant and food resources. Due to the limited resources, it caused humans to migrate in search of new area and food. The event lasted 6-10 years long. It made humans leave Africa. -
70,000 BCE
Bows and Arrows
The creation of Bows and arrows allowed our ancestors to hunt and kill more efficiently, allowing them to kill from a safer distance. -
15,000 BCE
Land Bridge
It was a land bridge that crossed the land of Asia to North America. It was a common route for human migration, the humans used it a lot. It impacted human migration because it was easier for humans to migrate from land to land, making exploration way easier to find new land and animals. -
10,000 BCE
Invention of Agriculture
The invention of agriculture is where hunting and gathering slows down and systematic agriculture grows. The Neolithic revolution started around 10,000 BCE. Because humans started farming, and cities and civilizations started to grow. -
9600 BCE
City of Jericho
This is a major event for humans, it was the first major city-funded in 9600 BCE. It was important because lots of humans meet each other humans, where they could trade, farm, and communicate.