Human Migration Timeline

  • 200,000 BCE


    The most recent oldest known artifacts are around 279,000 years old, which before was around 200,000 years ago in other parts of Ethiopia. The spear was a very good invention because it is a tool that only humans can use with there distance vs. power abilities. It allowed them to be able to hunt more efficient and more often. Also it allowed them to be able to catch a more diverse area of prey widening there diet increasing there health and stability of food.
  • 200,000 BCE


    Inhabitated earth 4 million years ago, located in Central Africa
    (present day Ethiopia), 1 meter tall, lived in the trees, first homid, start of evolutionary chain
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Habilis

    Homo Habilis
    Was around around 2.5 million years ago, had a larger brains than earlier evolutions and was able to make tools
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Was around about 1.8 million years ago, stood erect, came out of Africa, and was smart enough to use tools.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Homo Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens
    Displace all other forms of “human like” organisms 2 types: Neanderthals and Homo sapiens sapiens HSS survive due to language and collective learning
  • 200,000 BCE


    This was created 250,00 to around 1.5 million years ago depending on who you believe. This was a major thing for early humans because it had a lot of good uses. It allowed them to cook there food taking off unnessicarly partsmof t allowing our stomachs to shrink and our brains to grow. It also allowed us to use it as a weapon against other bigger preadators. That in turn increased out chance of survival.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Hand Axe

    Hand Axe
    Invented during the time oh homo habilis. The hand axe turned out to be a very usefully invention. It had two sides or faces and was one of the longest used tools in history, it was usually very symmetrical and was sharp on at least one end. The axe was like the Swiss knife of the early man meaning it had many different uses depending on what it was needed for. Usually for more physically demanding.
  • 200,000 BCE

    Ice Age

    Ice Age
    This started about 2.5 million years ago. Early humans started to leave Africa and spread to other continents. This happened during one of the Ice Ages. During the ice age oceans become smaller and lower, as the water freezes into glaciers. This uncovers land. With the sea level lowered, early humans were able to cross land bridges between continents. (Bering straight land bridge)
  • 200,000 BCE

    Bearing Striaght Land Bridge

    Bearing Striaght Land Bridge
    This happened around 2 million years ago. This was a piece of land that was uncovered during the Ice Age as water was locked up in glaciers, the oceans lowered allowing land between Asia and North America to be shown. This allowed early humans to cross over to The Western Hemisphere and start colonizing there. This was a huge migratory event.
  • Period: 200,000 BCE to 5000 BCE

    Human Migration

  • 75,000 BCE

    Mount Toba Catasprohe

    Mount Toba Catasprohe
    A giant volcano exploded in Africa. Covered the earth in a blanket of ash leading to the death of roofs and plant resources. Due to limited resources humans are forced in migrat in search of food. Because of this humans leave Africa.
  • 9000 BCE

    Agriculture (Crops)

    Agriculture (Crops)
    This was a major event to happen because it complepetly changes our diets and reliance on animals. Now we could stay in one spot with good land and make bigger villages with higher populations and bigger structures. This drove towards more community’s instead of bands of people. Also they no hada reliable food source even if there were bad years they could hold grain longer than meat.
  • 9000 BCE


    Jericho was built around 9000 BCE. The reason for its settlements are the springs which are found in and near the city. These springs supply the area with enough water to sustain a large population. By about 9400 BCE the settlement grew to more than 70 homes. These circle houses measured 16 feet in diameter and were built with clay and straw. Evidence reveals that by 8000 BCE, the site grew to 430,000 square feet and was surrounded by a stone wall 11.8 feet high and 5.9 feet wide at the base.
  • 8999 BCE

    Jericho Part ||

    Jericho Part ||
    Inside the wall was a stone tower that was 28 feet high and 30 feet wide at the base. It is thought that the wall was used to protect the settlement from flood waters. Some people believe that the tower was used to motivate people into taking part in the communal lifestyle. Estimates vary on the population with a low of 300 to a high of 3000. They may have also used it to store grain and food. It is likely that irrigation had been invented to provide enough land for growing th crops.
  • 4000 BCE

    Domestication of Animals

    Domestication of Animals
    This happened around 4000 bc. People decided to domesticate animals. This was helpful as they could help us hunt and also provide a reliable food source with cattle. Also we can use them as guards and defense which provides a safer living environment.