200,000 BCE
Existed 4.5 million years ago. They were the first hominid. They were located in central Africa in modern day Ethiopia. They lived in trees and very animal like. Mostly ate berries,nuts,plants and little meat. They started the evolution train for humans. -
200,000 BCE
Homo Habilis
The Homo Habilis were second in the evolutionary path for humans. They were found in sub-Saharan Africa in modern day northern Tanzania. They had a larger brain and started creating tools for easier hunting and gathering. -
200,000 BCE
Homo Erectus
Found 1.8 million years ago located in Europe,Asia, but mostly found in Africa. How the Homo Erectus stands out ;) from previous human defendants is that the Homo Erectus started standing up like modern humans which allows them to run longer and hunt better. -
200,000 BCE
Homo Sapiens
First seen around 200,000 years ago the Homo Sapiens are what we modern humans are today. They have all of our modern day human characteristics. -
200,000 BCE
Migrating out of Africa
Around 200,000-100,000 years ago is when Homo sapiens left Africa into the Middle East area and continuing to expand into the rest of the world.These people most likely moved out of Africa because of a need of more space as well as following the food source as they migrate. -
115,000 BCE
Glacier Period
115,000-11,700 years ago a ice age was occurring on the earth. This ice age covered 10% of the Earth and had enormous mammals including mammoths. -
75,000 BCE
Mount Toba Eruption
Around 75,000 years ago in modern day Indonesia a super valcano erupted. This eruption caused a 6-8 year volcanic winter created from the ash of the valcano. This was followed by a 1000 year long cooling period. This eruption nearly wiped out most life on earth including humans. -
70,000 BCE
Migrating into Asia
Humans migrated into Asia around 70,000 years ago. .... -
64,000 BCE
Bows and Arrows
Humans first started using Bows and arrows around 64,000 years ago. Some of the earliest spearheads are found in South Africa. People used bows and arrows to hunt animals from a distance and quietly. Bows and arrows also provided a cleaner kill. -
40,000 BCE
Domestication of Wolves
Around 40,000 years ago humans were finally be able to domesticate humans worst enemy at the time which were wolves. Human mostly domesticated the wolves by feeding them scraps of meat from the meals they were eating. The domestication of wolves allowed them to hunt with us which provided a great advantage to us. -
40,000 BCE
Migration to Europe
Around 2 million years ago is when humans began migrating into Europe. Humans migrated to Europe and other parts of the world by following the coast line and following their food sources. -
15,000 BCE
Humans Migrate to North America
Around 15,000 years ago humans crossed from Asia to North America through a land bridge that connected Russia and Alaska. This land bridge was created because the Glaciers that were occurring because of the ice age lowered water levels. Once those glaciers started melting again the land bridge was covered with water again. -
Using Fire as a tool
Around 125,000 years ago shows evidence of Homo sapiens using fire. Fire helped humans stay warm but they mainly used it to cook food which allowed more calories which helped humans brains grow larger.