Period: to
form the start of me becoming a zyote to growing into an embryo -
Period: to
Embryo stage
from the start of an Embryo to the end of an Embryo -
Heart beats regularly. Eyes and ears begin to form.
Heart develops right and left chambers.
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Infant begins to crawl.
Bones are visible. Heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope.
Fingerprints form.
Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.
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A baby can hold its head up and reach for objects.
Period: to
I start school
My sister birth
I learn to ride a bike
Ovulation in females, and sperm production in males begin.
Period: to
My first pet
Start middle school
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Period: to
Aging begins.
Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly.
Skin starts to become wrinkled.