• 500 BCE


    I think that this painting of Socrates dying is one of the most important paintings because It shows one of the greatest people of all time dying. And him still teaching others. Socrates
  • Period: 500 BCE to 500


  • 500

    Middle Ages

    I think this is one the most important Paintings in the Middle Ages because it shows the start of the Christian Faith. Jesus
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Jan 1, 1300


    This painting is one of the most important to the Renaissance period because of how famous it is. Mona Lisa
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Enlightenment

    This picture is important to this period because it shows the uprising of a country. Or a Revolution. Revolution
  • Period: to


  • Romantic

    This painting is Important to this period because it shows the Emotion of this period. Romantic
  • Period: to


  • Victorian

    This painting shows the Industrialization of this age. Victorian
  • Period: to


  • Modern

    This painting is important to this period because its "new". New
  • Period: to


  • Post Modern

    This painting is important to this time period because it is breaking the rules of art. Rainbows
  • Period: to

    Post Modern

  • Post Post Modern

    This thing of art is important to this time period because its out of the ordinary. Weird
  • Period: to

    Post-Post Modern