Human Evolution

By korsa18
  • Homo Neanderthalensis (It is 50,000 years old)

    Month and Day is unknown more most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Homo Heidelbergensis (Between 300,000 to 125,000 years old)

    Month and Day is unknown more most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Period: to

    Homo Erectus (Between 500,000 to 300,000 years old)

    Month and day are unknown.
  • Australopithecus Africanus (It is 2.3 million years old)

    Month and Day is unknown for most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Paranthropus Boisei (It is 1.8 millions years old)

    Month and Day is unknown more most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Homo Habilis (1.8 millions years old)

    Month and Day is unknown for most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Australopithecus Afarensis (It is 3.2 millions years old)

    Month and Day is unknown for most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Homo floresiensis (It is 18,000 years old)

    Month and Day is unknown more most of these as Gizmo only gives the year
  • Homo Sapiens (Modern Humans)

  • Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee)