
Human Evolution

  • Period: Feb 26, 1000 to

    human evo

    ratio 100 years on the timeline is roughly 1,000,000 years this timeline covers human evolution from now to about 10,000,000 years ago
  • Mar 1, 1300

    Sahelanthropus tchadensis

    lives about 7 MYA
    family: hominidae
    Genus: Sahelanthropus
    species: tchadensis upper brow is similar to the homo erectus
  • Mar 1, 1560

    Ardipithecus ramidus

    4.4 mya Family: hominidae
    genus: Ardipithecus
    species: ramidus teeth lacked specialization meaning it may have been a fruit eater
    like modern chimps the males have larger upper canine teeth than the females
  • Australopithecus afarensis

    3.2 mya Family: Hominidae
    Genus: Australopithecus
    Species: Afarensis
  • Period: to

    Boisei timespan

    2.3-1.2 MYA
  • boisei

    An essay on the boisei from becominghuman.org
    2.3-1.2 mya
    Family: Hominidae
    Genus: Paranthropus
    Species: Boisei
    gorilla like
    evolutionary dead end
    large back molars
  • Period: to

    homo erectus timespan

    1.9-0.1 MYA
  • Homo rudolfensis

    1.9 mya
    Family: Hominidae
    Genus: Homo
    Species: rudolfensis
  • Period: to

    Neanderthal timespan

  • Period: to

    homo heidelbergensis timespan

    .6-.4 MYA
  • Homo Erectus

    sorry for bad quality look for 0:06-0:15
    1.9-0.1 mya
    Family: HominidaeGenus: HomoSpecies: Erectus/EgasterHuman like voice, no languageHugh brainsCan create complex tools
  • homo heidelbergensis

    science daily article on homo heidelbergenisis 0.6--.4 mya
    Family: Hominidae

    Genus: Homo
    Species: HidelbergensisShort limbs and small bodiesNo imagination Ancestors of neanderthals
  • neanderthal

    weird article on scientific american about Ozzy Osbourn's dna
    0.6-0.03 mya
    Family: Hominidae
    Genus: Homo
    Species: Neanderthalensis
    Not a human ancestor
    High resistance to pain
    Lived in Europe during ice age
    Basics of language
    No imagination
  • Period: to

    homo sapiens timespan

    .195-now MYA
  • homo sapiens

    becoming human article
    .195- now mya
    Family: Hominidae
    Genus: Homo
    Species: SapiensTall language dark skin ImaginationLived in Africa at the same time as the Neanderthal
  • Homo floresiensis

    45 thousand years ago
    Family: HominidaeGenus: HomoSpecies: floresiensis HOBBIT