Infancy: Infant Cognition
holophrase: single word to express a complete, meaningful thought
My holophrase was "ish" followed up by a point at an object, which meant that I was asking my parents what that thing was. -
Infancy: Development of Social Bonds
attachment: lasting emotional bond that one person has with another
I would cry when my mom dropped me off at daycare , and would worry when she did not come on time to pick me up. -
Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development
timeout: disciplinary techniques in which a child is separated from other people and activities for a specific amount of time.
When I would get in trouble I would get a timeout -
Early Childhood: Preoperational Thought
animism: the belief that natural objects and phenomena are alive the way that humans are
I played with my stuff animals and treated them as if they were alive. -
Middle Childhood: Psychoanalytical Theory
Hierarchy of needs: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory that describes five levels of human needs that motivate people.
The specific tier I want to discuss is the need for children strive for admiration from a group of peers they belong to. I got rejected by a group of girls on the playground and it made me feel like a loser. -
Middle Childhood: Family Structures
Nuclear family: Both mother and father in the household that have biological children
My twin and I live in with my biological mother and father making us a nuclear family according to the different types of family structures. -
Adolescent: Cognitive Development
Egocentrism: the inability to understand or appreciate perspectives other than one's own.
I have experienced personal fable, which is where I had the belief that my experience was unique and more wonderful than anyone else's. I did not realize until later that I had many similar experiences that my friends did while growing up. -
Adolescent: The Social World and Identity
Foreclosure: premature identity formation, which occurs when an adolescent adopts parents of society's roles and values wholesale, without questioning or analysis.
My identity was buried in my sport, golf, and I did not know who I was without it before I quit. I was following my dad's wishes of me playing college golf.