Human Development

  • Infancy

    When a child is in this age they take the world in through their senses. They do not fully understand object permeance. This is the logic behind peekaboo. During birth to 12 months, a child learns the difference between trust and mistrust. During these young ages an infant does not grow at a steady rate. This rate slow very much during these times. A baby is in the first stage of moral development during this time. They choose decisions based on getting out of trouble.
  • Early childhood

    At this age a child uses world and images to portray the world. |They think more logically. Many children think and write through symbols. This is why they pretend to have friends. Children in this age need to put in social activities or they will be guilty. During these times children grow about 3 inches per years. They gain 7 pounds a year also. At 6 years of age the child's brain is approximately 90% as large. The frontal lobes grow fast during ages 3-6.
  • Middle Childhood

    At this age the child is able to think about logical concepts. They understand numbers and they are able to memorize different things. Children compare each other to their peers and friends to see who is better. They either gain pride or they think they are inadequate. At tis stage people understand what they desire and what rewards they want.
  • Adolescence

    At this age people learn abstract ideas. They can understand hypothetical situations. People at this age think of who they are and think of what they believe in. They decide what they want to do with their life at this age. Puberty happens during this time. People learn social approval during this age. They also have menstrual stuff and first ejaculation.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    People learn to obey authority and listen to rules.
  • Adulthood

    They are concerned about intimacy and isolation. People begin to have feelings of loneliness. During early adulthood your physical abilities are full matured. Your height and weight may vary slightly during these times. Many women choose to have babies during these times. Balance of social order is installed during these times. During the 40s-60s, you either find a place for a job or have a volunteering experience. Or you could have stagnation. This is were you are stagnant and not productive.
  • Late Adulthood

    People reflect on their life and decide whether or not their life was a success. They decide and react positively or negatively depending on their decision .Skin losses elasticity. Loss of strength. Memory Loss. Hair go grey. Internal moral principals are learn. This is where you make decisions based on what you think is write.