Lifetime Of Lucy
Lucy lived over 4 million years ago. Lucy was biped. -
Homo Habilis
Lived over 2 million years ago. Homo Habilis was biped, an omnivore, and had a bigger brain. Homo Habilis also used tools. -
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus lived over 1.8 million years ago. Biped, omnivore, bigger brain, tools -
Neandethals lived less than 500,000 years ago. Biped, omnivore, bigger brain, tools, community -
Homo Sapien Sapien
Modern Human,Biped, omnivore, bigger brain, tools, community, agriculture -
Rise of the Kingdom of Sumer
2900 BCE: Sumer is located in Ancient Mesopotamia. Sumer followed the seven characteristics of a civilization, goverment, social structure, religion, writing, technology, stable food supply, and culture. Sumer succeded in technology by inventing the plow. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
7th century BCE: Gilgamesh was a leader in Babylon. He was a strict leader. Gilgamesh proved his greatness by going on many journeies with his partner Enkidu. Gilgamesh was assisted with help from Lord Shamash. -
1900BCE -
The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
The middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE: Deborah was known for solving problems for citizens of all kinds. If someone ever had a problem, they would bring it to Deborah and she would solve it. -
The Reign of David
1013-973 BCE: David was known for killing Goliath, a big mean monster. When David became very popular, the king put a death warrant on him in fear that he would overthrow the kingdom. Then David was forced to run away and hide. -
Siege of Lachish
701 BCE:The world back then only really consist of 50 million people because the world was always at war. During this time, the Assyrians were taking over Lachish. Lachish had 8 foot walls with stone carvings along the perimeter. -
Siege of Jerusalem
587 BCE: During this time, the kingdom of Judah was overthrown. There was big controversy because a religious kingdom was destroyed. Some said that the "House of the Lord" was burned. -
Indus Valley Civilizations
2000 BCE: The bull shows virtility. Artifacts like tanks and figurines were found. These civilizations grew crops to stay healthy. A large tank provided public bathing. -
The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas
1700 BCE: These people were non-agricultural. There was no fertility. The gods were only males. The Vedas were only transmitted orally. -
The Ascetics and the Upanishads
700-500 BCE: The ascetics inspired people away from dependence on priests creating a revolution of spiritual practice.