
Hugo Chavez: Democrat or Dictator?

  • Chaves begin to plot against the government

    Chaves begin to plot against the government, he was incarcerated
  • Chavez released from jail.

    Found the leftist movement of the Fifth Republic.
    Cahvez wins 56% of the votes in the election and becomes president.
  • Chavez redistributed Venezuela`s wealth

    With approval rating touchings 80%, Chavez redistributed Vemnezuela`s wealth.
    Venezuela`s Constitution is reformed: Presidential period extended from 5 to 6 years
  • Reforms to Venezuelan Constitution

    Presidential period extended from 5 to 6 years. The senate was disolved, he reforms to Venezuelan constitution, the president adopted total control of the army without the approval of the legislative power. Reduced the capacity of the states in legislative affairs. Referendum without the support of the legislative power. Opportunity for the president to excercise the revocation of mandate for governors, mayors, and presidents.
  • Opposition grows over his radial programme.

    Leading a million people to take the streets.
    Chavez arrested.
    Interim president.
    Pedro Carmona takes the power.
    Chavez released after two days.
  • Chavez lavishes funds on social programmes.

    Such as literacy and healthcare, thanks to the money flowing from nationalised oil companies.
  • Chaves triumph in polls again

    With 63% of the votes
  • Chavez is able to stand for president indefinitley

  • Chavez Cancer

    Chavez reveals he is being treated for cancer
  • Chavez wins fourth term in office defeating rival.

    Chavez defeats his rival Henrique Capriles with more than 54% of the vote
  • Chavez died

    Vice-president Nicolas Madaro announced that Chavez has died.