

By oyisg4
  • How exprese our self

    I learned in movie I learned the land was one whole together in long ago. Also I learned inside the earth there is inner core and core and mantal and crust.
  • HOW we express our self

    I learned earth qake there is dog that help people from earthquake danger so somepeople is in billiding and that person was to late of running. So they are still in building so they will die so the dog can help them.
  • Reflaction

    I did finding and making senten more easy word.I will study about more in fiding out. finding out and search out.
  • Reflaction

    we did waching movie about tunami and tornado and I learned how that happen. Also thinking thick or thin question.
  • Reflaction

    My topic was sturucture and I got about 50 min beacuse I was not able to work with other so I got to work hard and not lafting and do my work. I think I was in tuning in and finding out beacuse I was resaching and learnig more about that topic so I think this way. My question was how the earth structure is? what do earth structure made of? How earth structer work? how Earth structer change? what do make earth structer change? How can we make earth better?
  • Reflaction

    I did reaserching about how the earth structure work and how dose work. I will do tomorow I will know about more natrul disaster and write.