Aug 2, 1543
Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model of the Universe
Jun 27, 1576
Tycho Brahe made precise measurements of the stars
William Gilbert suggests that the Earth has a magnetic field
Kepler observes an exploding star and calls it a Supernova
Francis Bacon writes book telling people that magic is not real.
Galileo identifies parabolic motion
Johannes Keppler proposed 3 laws about the solar system
Snell's Law of Refraction
Galileo noted that Energy was transformed
First vacuum pump invented
Found that sound does not travel in a vacuum. -
Great Plague kills 70000 - World Population approx 550000000
The Devil sighted in Scotland - mass panic
Momentum defined
Newton publishes laws of Motion and Laws of Gravity
Gravity explained Kepler's observations on the behaviour of satellites. -
Newton published Cannon thought experiment
Concept of escape velocity -
Franklin proves that lighning is electricity
John Hill discovers that smoking causes cancer.
First Powered Vehicle - 3 wheel steam tractor.
Galvani Frog experiment
Metric System Introduced in France
First Immunisation
Edward Jenner vaccinated a child against smallpox. -
World Population 900000000
Voltaic Pile - First Battery
First Steam Locomotive built
Oersted links Electricity and Magnetism
This was the beginning of stored electricity. -
Ohm's Law was developed
R=V/I -
Ampere identifed F/l for parallel wires
First Dynamo - generator
Lenz's Law developed
Elecric Telrgraph invented
The Doppler Effect was proposed
Kelvin scale was defined
Kelvin defines absolute zero
Maxwell's Laws were proposed
Internal Combustion Engine invented
Bell invents telephone
Edison invents Phonograph
Edison invented the lightbulb
Household lights developed/introduced
Publication of the Cathode Ray argument
Edison vs Westinghouse War of the Currents
First commercial transformer.
Hertz's Radio Wave experiment
Michelson-Morley Experiment
Tesla patented the AC Motor
Rontgen discovers X-Rays
JJ Thomson q/m ratio experiment
Proved cathode rays were negatively charged particles with a mass 1/1800 of the mass of a proton (Hydrogen nucleus) -
World Population 1900000000
Planck and Blackbody radiation
Planck proposed that E=hf -
Lenard and Stopping Voltage
Lenard used the stopping voltage (qV) to measure the kinetic energy of electrons released by the photoelectric effect. -
Tsiolkovsky Paper Published about space rocketry
Wright Brothers fly the first plane
Einstein iproposed that light is a wave of photons
This was the birth of quantum physics. Einstein used Planck's formula to explain the photoelectric effect. -
Einstein Proposes Special Relativity
Einstein & Speed of LightEinstein used a Gedanken about an observer on a train and another on the platform to analyse the speed of light through the aether. He decided that 2 apparently contradictory results would both occur. He stated that the speed of light is the same in all frames of reference, hence people in inertial frames of reference in relative motion will experience space and time differently. -
Triode valve invented
Onnes discovered that mercury is a superconductor
Superconductivity experimented by Heike Onnes
Braggs X-rayed Crystals
Goddard Published book about solid fuel rockets
Friedmann published Big Bang Model
Cosmic Microwave Background radiation measured
BBC begins radio broadcasts
oberth published maths of Escape Velocity
de Broglie model (energy levels) of the atom developed
First Television pictures broadcast
Goddard published article about liquid propellant rocket
Fleming discovers penicillin.
Hubble shows the universe is expanding
Hubble identified that the spectrum of distant stars is redshifted and related this to the doppler effect. -
Meissner Effect discovered
Superconducting compounds discovered
Transistors discoverd
BCS Theory developed
Sputnick - first satellite - launched by Russia
First Silicon chip
Von Braun launched the West's first satellite
Solid State developed
Yuri Gagarin is the first man to orbit the moon
Cosmic Microwave background radiation detected
Man on Moon
Time Dilation proved
First Microprocessor
First PC's by Apple
CD's introduced
High Temperature Superconductors