real date 300 b.c The scientist Aristotle developed this idea of basic building blocks. He actually disagreed with the very idea of atoms and thought that everything was made of 5 elements- air, fire, water, earth, and aether -
500 B.C) The scientist Democritus was responsible for this model of the atom. It was the first model of the atom ever to have been thought of and was accepted in 400 B.C. He didn't conduct a specific experiment to develop this model, he just thought that there must be some sort of building block that makes everything up. He was, of course, right. He thought that the atom was a tiny ball that could not be physically divided. The model was kind of like a tiny marble -
Henri Becquerel
1896 Henri Becquerel discoverd radioactivity while he was experimenting with Uranium salts -
marie and pierre curie
1898 marie and pierre curie discovered that the ability of atoms to radiate did not depend on the arrangement of the atoms; that it actually depended on the interior of the atom. They also found that only uranium and thorium gave off this radiation. This of course changed the whole idea of atoms and radiation -
john dolton
1900 simiar to democritus's theory but dolton thought that all elemetns were diferent because they had different masses -
J.J Thomas
1904 J.J Thomas discovered the electron " the plum pudding" model -
Robert Millikan
1909 millikan discovered the charge of an electron by using the falling drop method. -
ernest Rutherford
1911 Rutherford use his gold foil experiment to understand the atom -
Niels Borh
1913 Borh based his theorty off of rutherfords theory by doing that he discovered the atomic nucles. -
James Chadwick
1932 Chadwick discovered the neutron