How ww1 spread influenza

  • Start of World War 1

  • Unsanitary trenches

    Unsanitary trenches
    During the Great War, trench warfare was created. Unfortunately, sanitary needs were not a priority when it came to the trenches, and diseases was quite. It is quite commonly believed that due to the terrible conditions trenches were commonly in, that the influenza disease was born here. And with the crowded halls, it is very easy for the disease to spread to many different victims.
  • First reported case of influenza in America (Albert Gitchell)

    First reported case of influenza in America (Albert Gitchell)
    The first case reported of influenza for the influenza pandemic was private Albert Gitchell, who reported at fort Ryley, Kansas, to have a sore throat, fever, and headache.
  • End of Ww1

  • Soldiers return home

    Soldiers return home
    It goes without saying that when you go from one place in the world to another, that it will spread disease. The end of World war one meant that many soldiers were ready to come home, and with so many coming home from so many places, especially during the pandemic in crowded boats, the disease spread like wildfire during this time.
  • Deaths of war vs influenza

    Deaths of war vs influenza
    Influenza claimed near the same amount of lives on the battlefield as combat from the war itself. Out of the one hundred thousand deaths during World War one, around forty-five thousand troops died from influenza, meaning about 45% of American casualties was due to influenza.