How to use the word "Like" in spanish.

By 17luci
  • Stars

    If one of the friend of your friend likes stars, and you ask them,"What do they like", in spanish they would answer "Le gusta las estrellas." You use it when you talk about, he,she, and they as in one person.
  • Period: to

    How to say what people like.

  • Chocolate

    If someone asks you and your sibiling or friend, "What do both of you like." Since it includes you and another person, you would reply with "A nosotros nos gusta chocolate". Which means that both of us like chocolate. You don't really need to add the a nosotros part, that is to be more specific.
  • muñeco de peluche

    muñeco de peluche
    If you want to ask a question using like, you can use ¿Te gusta...? you replace the ... with a object or verb that is not conjugated. For example you can ask ¿ Te gusta el muñeco de peluche? That means do you like the teddy bear?
  • Butterfly

    If someone asks you ¿ Te gusta la mariposa?, which means do you like the butterfly? You answer with (no) me gusta la mariposa. If you don't like the butterfly just as no in front of the me.
  • Stars

    If someone asks you what does two of your friends like, you reply with "Les gusta..." and whatever they like.