48 BCE Dictatorship
Caesar became the first dictator in the year 48 BCE. This change from republic to dictatorship made lots of people unhappy and rebellions rose. -
Period: 200 to 250
27 BCE - 14 CE Augustus
Augustus was never very good at Military stuff and left most of the battles to Agrippa. However, after staying as emperor for a while, he started struggling with his job as 'emperor'. -
Barbarian Soldiers?
By the year 300CE, the Roman Army started consisting of Barbarian trained soldiers. They were much less effective than the previous superior infantry that Rome used to have.This made battles against enemies very difficult. Rome now didn't have a firm grip over military situations. -
Period: 300 to 500
Barbarian Invasions
This was a period of time where the Barbarians continuosly invaded Rome. -
The Roman religion was what kept them going and was what played a big part in their quick success. However, the changing of religion to christianity by Emperor Constantine soon made people begin to waver and some even stopped believing. -
The 'Fall' of Rome
In 476 CE, Odoacer, a commander of the Roman army got rid of the last Roman emperor and became the first German ruler of Rome. To be specific, there wasn't a 'fall' it was more of a gradual decline marked by weak emperors, invasions and a corrupt empire. -
The Dividing of Rome
In the year 285 CE, Rome got split into two halves known as Eastern and Western Roman Empire by Emperor Diocletian. He thought the vast land was ungovernable and thus splitting it. Western Rome lost it's power over the towns in East, therefore, there was a great decline in profits from the treasury. This weakened Rome immensely.