How the Indian Reservation Became to be??

  • Smallpox

    All over the reservation their was an outbreak of smallpox, Indians that got this disease on the reservations had a 50 - 50 chance of living or dieing.
  • Trading on the Reservation

    Trading on the Reservation
    The Spokane Reservation begins to trade with white men, the trading post was called Spokane House
  • Wars

    Seminole War breaks out
  • Court

    Supreme Court ruled that the federal government has the sole power to manage Indian lands. This ruling established the rights of white settlers as being held above those of the native inhabitants of the land.
  • Schooling

    Sons of Spokane and Kutenai Indian leaders are sent to the Red River mission school by the Hudson's Bay Company.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress. on the reservation.
  • Samuel Jackson vists the reservation

    Samuel Jackson vists the reservation
    Samuel Jackson, the first missionary to visit the Spokane, arrived, Spokanes suffered from introduced diseases, including smallpox. Land-grabbing by white settlers was exacerbated by a lack of legal controls to prevent injustice.
  • diseases

    In the fall, a measles epidemic started killing half of the population. Survivors associated the tragedy with the white settlers
  • Alcoholism

    Congress passed a law on the indian reservation for alcohol, scince then reservations have been in trouble by social problems, poverty, unemployment and a high rate of alcoholism.
  • Spokane Tribe

    Spokane Tribe
    1860 the Spokane shared the reservation with other tribes in the Northwest and elsewhere. Land-hungry homesteaders settled into this region
  • Baptism

    One hundred Spokane people had received baptism
  • Lower Spokane

    Lower Spokane agreed to move to the soon to be Spokane Reservaion Tribe.
  • Mining in Spokane Reservation

    Mining in Spokane Reservation
    Indians started disoverying gold, silver, and lead in the region because when somebody dies they have to dig a hole at the cemetary, thats when they found about gold, silver, exc.
  • 13 Century

    13 Century
    Spokane Reservaion people started to get changed by the outside world, Spokanes also constructed permanent villages for the winter by the river for fishing and hunting to gather food.
  • Lands Areas.

    Lands Areas.
    About 651 memebers on the Spokane reservation got about 64.000 acres of land to farm.
  • Free Speech Fight

    Free speech fight was conducted in Spokane working class members of the Industrial Workers of the World, In 1908, the Industrial Workers of the World launched a campaign with the slogan "Don't Buy Jobs." They were pushing the city council to pass an ordinance against street speaking, or soapboxing, a common method of recruitment for the union
  • Church

    St. Joseph Catholic Church opened on the Reservation
  • Laws.

    1st constitution and the laws were made.
  • Uranium Fever

    Uranium Fever
    Two brothers on the reservation discovered something that had a fluorescent green glow, they claimed that it was uranium rock, Uranium was worthless in the late 1800s when members of the tribe were moved from their homelands to the Spokane River to the reservation. By the 1950s,uranium oxide was selling for $32,000.
  • Poverty

    Their is about 40-80% of the Native Americans on the Spkane Reservation and have no job, Most of the Indians who earn money make their money with casinos.
  • Casinos on Reservations.

    Casinos on Reservations.
    Supreme Court ruled that as long as a form of gambling is legal in the state where the reservation is located, then reservations can go to casinos.
  • U.S. Abondons the Spokane Reservation

    U.S. Abondons the Spokane Reservation
    The U.S. Army abandoned the Spokane Indian Reservation