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How The Calculator Came To Be

  • The Adding Machine

    The Adding Machine
    A french mathematician named Blaise Pascal invented the first adding machine. It is a device that is driven by gears and can preform addition and subtraction.
  • First sucessful calculator sold

    First sucessful calculator sold
    William Seward Burroughs developed his own adding machine which was successfully sold in stores.
  • The Millionare is created

    The Millionare is created
    Otto Steiger invented the first adding machine that was also able to preform multiplication. "The Millionare"
  • The Dalton Adding Machine

    The Dalton Adding Machine
    The Dalton Adding Machine is created. It was the first ten key adding machine.
  • Curta

    This is a miniature hand held mechanical calculator. This was one of the first innovations in mechanical calucaltors in the 20th century.
  • The worlds first electronic desktop calculators

    The worlds first electronic desktop calculators
    These calculators had used vaccum tubes. These types of calculators were announced by the Bell Punch company located in England. These calculators were call Anita Mk VII.
  • Commercial desktop calculators

    Commercial desktop calculators
    The first commercial all transistor desktop calulators. these were called the Friden EC130 and the IME 84
  • Start of development of hand held electronic calculators.

    Start of development of hand held electronic calculators.
    Texas instruments starts development work on a hand held calculator .
  • First battery powered hand held electronic calculator

    First battery powered hand held electronic calculator
    The first portable calucator that is battery powered, and hand held Green fluorescent tube displays are also introduced on this calculator. These calculators were all very expensive, nearly $2000
  • First calculator to use a microprocessor

    First calculator to use a microprocessor
    the Intel 4004 was used in the Busicom 141-PF desk calculator
  • Prices decrease

    Prices decrease
    Rapid development of electronic calucloators and reduction in price. The first scientific calculator is introduced, Hewlet Packard HP35
  • LCD is introduced

    LCD is introduced
    The first sharp crystal on substrate reflective LCD calculators are introduced.
  • No more mechanical calculators

    Mechanical calculator manufacture in no longer available. Mass production makes electronic calculators bery cheap.
  • First solar powered calculator

    First solar powered calculator
    The first solar power calculator is itroduced. These calculators were called the Teal Photon and Sharp El-8028. These were also the first credit card sized calculators.