The generations of gaming

By Beano
  • First Generation

    First Generation
    The magnavox odyssey was the first gaming console to be released to the public. It was the console that gave birth to games such as Pong and other ball and paddle games. It was around the price of $100 and sold around 100,000 units worldwide. This was what started was the first generation of gaming.
  • Second Generation

    Second Generation
    The fairchild semiconductor was the first gaming console to be relesased in this generation, but this console was not a very big hit. The most popular console of this generation was the Atari 2600 which gave birth to possibly the most well known game in history, PacMan. PacMan saw 7 million sales on this console.
  • Third Generation

    Third Generation
    This generation was classed as the '8-Bit' generation, due to it's rise in 8-bit gaming. The first console to be released in this generation was the SG-1000. But yet again it was not the most popular console. The most popular console was the Nintendo Entertainment System. This console produced another very well known game, Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros has made over 40 million sales as of a 1999 study.
  • Fourth Generation

    Fourth Generation
    The first console to be released in this generation was the PC-Engine. The two consoles that were biggest hits in this generation were the Sega Mega Drive and the Nintendo Entertainment Systsem. Both of these consoles releasing big games. Sega released the first ever Sonic the Hedgehog which produced 15 million sales; and Nintendo released Super Mario World which produced 20 million sales. This generation also saw the first release of the gameboy which produced 118 milllion sales.
  • Fifth Generation

    Fifth Generation
    The first console to be released in this generation was the 3DO interactive multiplayer. But the much more well known consoles of this generation included the release of the first PlayStation and the Nintendo 64. The PlayStation released the first ever Gran Turismo which produced 10 million sales and; the Nintendo 64 released Super Mario 64 which produced 11 million sales.
  • Sixth Generation

    Sixth Generation
    The first console of this generation was the Sega Dreamcast. The most well known consoles of this generation would be the release of the PlayStation 2 and the first ever release of the Xbox. Both consoles releasing big games. The PlayStation released Grand Theft San Andreas which produced 20 million sales and; the Xbox released the first ever Halo game which produced 6 million sales.
  • Seventh Generation

    Seventh Generation
    The first console to be released in this generation was the Xbox 360, arguably the most popular console in this generation. It's competitors for this generation were the PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii. The best selling game on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 was GTA 5 with a joint amount of sales at 32 million. The best selling game on the Nintendo Wii was Wii Sports at 82 million, but that was followed by Mario Kart Wii which had 35 million sales.
  • Eigth Generation

    Eigth Generation
    The first console to be released in the eighth generation was the Nintendo Wii U. The two competing consoles of this generation were the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. All of these racking up a lot of sales between them. Again the most popular game on the PlayStation and Xbox has to be GTA 5, which once again gained millions of sales. The Wii U's most popular game was the release of Mario Kart 8, which produced around 5 million sales.