First text message ever sent
After the text message ever sent, it became a really popular passtime up to even now. People now, including me, take texting for granted and we don't know where it came from, I use texting a lot during the day to text my parents,family, and friends. -
Yahoo! was founded
Yahoo means a lot to me because it my first email was for Yahoo! It was what helped me connect with my family in other countries and even with my family close by as well. Yahoo also introduced me to video chatting which helps me to video chat now. -
Release of the Nintendo Gameboy Advance
The second game console I ever owned was my gameboy. I used to play scooby doo and ballerina games on it and buying games for it was one of my favorite things to do with my dad. -
Google founded
Google is a very useful tool that many of my classmates and I use daily to help us either with homework or extracurricular activities or anything really. -
Sega Dreamcast came out in North America
When I see or hear about Sega's Dreamcast, I remember playing games on it when I was little with my dad and my cousins. Our Dreamcast was one of the first game consoles that I ever owned and I still have it and use it occasionaly today. -
Skype was released
Skype has helped me connect with my families and to talk to them and see how they are doing. My family and I use skype at least once a month. -
When Facebook was founded
Facebook is very importatn to me because I still use facebook now and I use it a lot to talk to my familes and see what's going on near or far from where I live. -
Quizlet founded
Quizlet is used by my school every single day. I use it before any test or quiz. It makes studying so much easier and I do feel like I learn more with quizlet. I have the quizlet app which allows me to study anywhere I can. -
Iphone 3g first released
My first apple appliance that I ever used was the iphone 3g. This has helped me understand and to get familiar with the apple and iphone products. -
Nintendo DSi came out in stores
After years of using my gameboy, I traded my gameboy for a new Nintendo DSi at GameStop. I thought it was so cool! I could record videos, take pictures, use the internet, and I could still play games on it. This console introduced me to the smartphones we now have. -
https://www.google.com/search?q=ninendo+3ds&oq=ninendo+3ds&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.5511j0j9&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#q=when+did+yahoo+star -
Sources Part II