How Nuclear Disasters Affect Wildlife.

  • Start of assignment.

  • Idea Brainstorm.

    Created a list of possible research topics. Narrowed the list down to three ideas.
  • Decide on topic.

    My study will be 'How does nuclear disaster affect wildlife?'.
  • Plan.

    Develop a plan that consists of an aim, objective and method.
  • Risk Assessment.

    Assessment of possible hazards involved in the research project, and methods of preventing them.
  • Contingency Plan.

    How to deal with any risks that may occur.
  • Ethics Review.

    Teacher reviews assessments and will carry out an ethics review to see whether or not the project is viable.
  • Start Study.

    Begin research and data collection.
  • Make survey.

    Create a survey to collect data from.
  • Data Collection.

    Ask random members of the public to complete a survey.
  • Data Assessment.

    Review surveys and collect data. Analyse results.
  • Assignment hand in.