Jan 1, 1200
The End of a Monarchy
People were tired of the king constantly going to war with other countries, so they overthrew him with plans of instituting a new type of government. -
Feb 20, 1200
Plans for a Demoacracy
The people decided to have a distinguished military commander, who always cared for the country and its people, become in charge temporarily. In the mean time, they would elect more trusted individuals to assist the commander with political matters. -
Oct 5, 1200
A Revolution
The military commander was overstepping his boundaries and becoming more like a king, so the people overthrew him just like they did their old king. -
Mar 28, 1201
A Constitution is Drafted
The more educated individuals then gathered together to draft a set of rules that they felt the country should abide by to ensure the rights and freedoms of the people. This was immediately accepted by the people. -
May 15, 1202
New Issues Arise
Some individuals decided to bribe their way into government positions, and their actions started hurting the economy. -
Jan 7, 1203
Changing the Rules
Tired of being abused by people that cheated their way into office, an addendum was added to the country's constitution to ban bribery and stealing. -
Aug 23, 1206
Equality for Everyone
Some people believed that the more wealthy individuals should contribute more to the country than the poor. The rich were then taxed more, the poor were taxed less, and the money was used to fund the construction of public buildings and government services like libraries.