The Idea to start a new Govenment.
Seth Efron (the founder) decided he didn't like being in a monarchy is Norway. So he came up with the idea of starting his new country. -
Presenting his idea
Efron sent out a paper to as many people has he could telling of his idea to start a democracy. He his plan was to sail out to an unclaimed island and start a new country. -
Gathering of the people who agreed
Everyone that agreed met at a park to discusses when and where they would meet to leave to the island -
Meeting to Leave
They decided to meet at the city Stavanger to set sail in search of an unclaimed island. -
Norway Government find out
On the day of meeting the Norway government shows up to stop them, but they were an couple hours late and Efron and the people has already left. -
Finding an island
They find an unclaimed island and claim I as their own.