The First Uprising
Under the ruling of the King, the people were not able to own land. This became a problem because people were getting turned away and kicked off of land at the blink of an eye with not warning. This caused for an uprising of the people for the right to own land. The King reluctantly said that only first born sons could own land. -
The Creation of States
With growing population the people and the King saw a need to create states. This was because more organization and structure was needed. -
The Second Uprising
The second uprising of the people was because of the want and need to a more equal form of government. This caused for the change to a early form of presidential democracy to replace the dictatorship of the King. With this change each state had their own governor. This also caused for each state to start creating their own laws and for there not to be one specified leader for the first time. -
The Creation of the Social Code
As time was moving along the people were starting to realize that although the new government was far more fair, it was still not as equal as they would like it to be. There was confusion with each state doing its own thing. This called for the writing of the Social Code which established an elected president and the three branches of government to govern the whole nation. This equaled out the power throughout the nation. -
Period: to
Arising Problems
Many problems were arising for the people, like the basic rights that they believed they needed. This was the spark that caused for the writings of The Amendments. This was later added to The Social Code.