Flint Lock Musket
http://www.ushist.com/19th-century_weapons_f.shtml you would have to have flint and little metal balls to fire this weapon. it can fire many bullets at once -
Gatling Gun
http://inventors.about.com/od/gstartinventions/a/Gatling_Gun.htm It's a 6 barreled weapon capable of fireing 200 rounds per minute -
Remington M10
http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.asp?smallarms_id=674 This gun was made during world war 1 -
Browning M2 HMG
http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.asp?smallarms_id=13 This gun was made in world war 1 -
US Navy MK12 SPR
http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.asp?smallarms_id=578 This weapon was born out of a Joint US Army System -
Barret M107
http://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-2000-2009.asp It was in a competetion for reveiew by the us army.