Evolution Of Lawyers

  • First Law school

    First Law school
    Founded in 1817, The first law school to ever be created was Harvard University.
  • First Male Lawyer

    First Male Lawyer
    Macon Bolling Allen: First African American male lawyer in the U.S.
  • U.S. Attorneys work under Department of justice

    U.S. Attorneys work under Department of justice
    United States Attorneys start working under the direction of the United States Department of Justice. Prior to that time, they conducted their duties in what has been described by one former United States Attorney as “splendid isolation ... Each was a king in his own domain, appointed by the President of the United States and directly answerable to him alone.”
  • Poor Lawyers

    Poor Lawyers
    Lawyers are poor and unable to make... a bare living most lawyers in the 1900 could barely make it. Lawyers at this time was not very important.
  • First Women To Graduate To be a lawyer

    First Women To Graduate To be a lawyer
    She was the first woman to graduate from the Victoria University, Manchester (now the University of Manchester), and the only woman studying law throughout her degree 1903-6. She received first-class honours.
  • First women to take the bar

    First women to take the bar
    Stella Thomas became the first West African woman to be called to the Bar by Middle Temple on 19th May 1933. Stella graduated from Oxford University with a law degree and also became the first female Magistrate in Nigeria
  • First U.S Attorneys Conference held

    First U.S Attorneys Conference held
    The first United States Attorneys' conference was held in April 1939 in Washington, D.C.
  • Executive office for United States Attorneys established

    Executive office for United States Attorneys established
    On April 6, 1953, an order of the Attorney General establishes the Executive Office for United States Attorneys to “provide general executive assistance and supervision to the offices of the United States Attorneys.”
  • First Judge

    First Judge
    Thurgood Marshall was an American lawyer who was appointed as an associate justice of the Supreme Court in 1967. He was the first African-American to hold the position and served for 24 years, until 1991.
  • Attorney General's Advisory committee created

    Attorney General's Advisory committee created
    The Attorney General’s Advisory Committee was created to provide advice and assistance to the United States Attorney General.
  • First Lawyer Advertisement

    First Lawyer Advertisement
    The Supreme Court’s 1977 decision in Bates v. State Bar of Arizona invalidated the longtime ban on lawyer advertising on First Amendment grounds. It was also the opening shot that set off the competitive war in our profession. The day after the decision was published, Jacoby & Meyers published its first law firm newspaper ad.
  • Following the Path

    Following the Path
    Following the path of most advertisers, two months later, the first television ad for a law firm was placed in 1977 …And then firms began playing their ads on video-sharing sites such as YouTube.
  • Computers Take over

    Computers Take over
    In the 1980s, law firms were among the most enthusiastic users of document management software, which made it possible for legal teams to instantly view any document or email associated with a specific client, matter or project.
  • Spirit of Excellence Awards

    Spirit of Excellence Awards
    The first Spirit of Excellence Awards are presented. They are annually awarded to “celebrate the efforts and accomplishments of lawyers who work to promote a more racially and ethnically diverse legal profession.”
  • Deposition-transcript software came into play

    Deposition-transcript software came into play
    By the early 2000's, Deposition- transcript software became an essential tool for preparing deposition summaries, especially when working with the ubiquitous video depositions
  • Geo-location Technology

    Geo-location Technology
    Geo-location technology was opened to civilian us in 2000 allowing internet services providers to determine where a subscriber is by tracking the user's Internet protocol address. Attorneys subpoenaed the information in countless court cases. Great for evidence
  • Think Microsoft was something what about google docs

    Think Microsoft was something what about google docs
    Google docs was now avaliable in 2007 with collaborative online editing tools is edging into the lawyer's toolkit. This tool really helped out in law firms.
  • Lady Justice Macur becomes first female Senior Presiding Judge.

    Lady Justice Macur becomes first female Senior Presiding Judge.
    In April 2017 Dame Julia Macur became the first female Senior Presiding Judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales since the role was created in 1983.
  • Most Richest Lawyer on earth

    Most Richest Lawyer on earth
    Richard Scruggs is the richest lawyer on earth. His net worth 1.7 billion dollars.