How Jews Were Treated Meghan and Eve

  • President Hindenburg elects Hitler chaclor of Germeany

    President Hindenburg elects Hitler chaclor of Germeany
    Hitler Hated to jew and being elected chanclor allowed him to have more power over them
  • SS opens Dachau consantration camp outside of Munich

    SS opens Dachau consantration camp outside of Munich
    The opening of the cosentration camp was another way of dicriminating a ginst the Jews. They Foreced them into the camps and foreced them to work, a lot of wemon and children were killed on arival.
  • Boycott of Jewish owned shops and bussnisess

    Boycott of Jewish owned shops and bussnisess
    The started to disciminate aginst the Jewish people and the boycott limited the amout of money they could make
  • Summer Olympics begin in Berlin

    Summer Olympics begin in Berlin
    Even though the world was at war, they still made time of the Olympics
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    When Geramny inaved Poland it started World War II, they invaded Poland becuase of the Jewish people there
  • Establishing of Gettoes

    Establishing of Gettoes
    Germans establish a ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. this was when they foreced the Jews into gettos and made them live there.
  • The first killing operation

    The first killing operation
    The first killing operations begin at Chelmno in occupied Poland. This is when they started killing jews in death camps
  • Nazi Germany declared was on the United States

    Nazi Germany declared was on the United States
    This brought attention to the condition of the Jews to the Untied States
  • Deporataion of Jews to killing center in Chelmno

    Deporataion of Jews to killing center in Chelmno
    Germans begin the mass deportation of more than 65,000 Jews from Lodz to the Chelmno killing center
  • Deportation of Jews to killing center

    Deportation of Jews to killing center
    Germans begin the mass deportation of over 300,000 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center
  • Warsaw ghetto uprising begins

    Warsaw ghetto uprising begins
    The Jews lived in gettos so the uprising was the Jews protesting aginst the Nazis.
  • Rescue of Jews in Denmark

    Rescue of Jews in Denmark
    the resucing of Jews freed more Jewish people from the death camps.
  • D-day

    AllieFroces invade Normady, France to free Frace from Germany.
  • Death march

    Death march
    The death march was a march of nearly 60,000 prisoners from Auschiwitz camp in southern Poland
  • Soviet troops liberate the Auschiwitz camp

    Soviet troops liberate the Auschiwitz camp
    The elemination of the camp was the freedom of some of the Jews.
  • Hitler commites suicide

    Hitler commites suicide
    When Hitler died it symobolized the freedom for the Jews beacause Hitler was the person how made the mojor push against the Jews