How I Listened to Music

  • Record

    My parents had albums that I played on a stereo we had in our house.
  • cassette tape

    cassette tape
    During my elementary years, I would record music from the radio onto cassette tapes. I would also sit in my parent's car and record music from the 8-track player that was in the car, because we did not have an 8-track player in the house.
  • 8-Track

    Used to listed to music this way in my parent's car.
  • 45 records

    45 records
    During my teenage years, I bought small 45 records of songs I liked from the record store.
  • Dual Cassette Recorder

    Dual Cassette Recorder
    If you had a dual cassette recorder, you had gold in the 1980s! Also, if you could record in high speed dubbing!
  • CD/Cassette

    Cd/Cassette player - this combo made it so I could listen to the music that was on cassette and then play the music that I started to collect on CD.
  • CD

    As CDs became more popular, I had to start using them for all of my music.
  • IPod

    As a dance teacher, I had to use many CDs for class or I had to burn the songs I needed on a CD for warmup, across the floor, etc. So I carried a bag a many CDs. I had heard of teachers using an Ipod. My husband gave me one and at first, I said I didn't need it. But once I tried it, I loved it.
  • Ipod Nano

    Ipod Nano
    My school gave me an Ipod Nano to use for my dance classes.
  • Ipod Touch

    Ipod Touch
    My school gave me an Ipod touch to use for my dance classes.