How far have women's rights advanced in a century?

  • Mary Smith presented the first women’s suffrage petition to Parliament.The Great Reform Act rejected and confirms their exclusion for votes

  • MP John Stuart Mill present a petition for Women's suffrage vote to the Commons but fail.

  • Creation of National Society for Women

  • The Isle of Man grants vote for Women

  • Creation of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Leader: Millicent Garrett Fawcett.

  • Creation of Women's Social and Politcal Union. Leader Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Christabel & Sylvia

  • Militant campaign Begins. 2 militants are arrested & imprisonned. Slogans: "Deeds, not words" & "Votes for Women"

  • Prime minister + 400 of 670 MP are favours to the Votes for Women.

  • NUWSSP petitions & meetings. WSPU protest: arrested & imprisoned. Daily gave her the name "Suffragettes".

  • "Mud March": London march with more than 3000 women

  • Creation of Women's Freedom League. WFL founded a paper "The Vote"

  • Commons votes for the suffrage vote for Women but Asquit doesn't carry it

  • Protest including Black Fiday. Women are injured (some of them died) & sexual abused by the police

  • Law "Cat & Mouse": Hunger strikes are temporarily released then arrested to prevent them dying in police custody

  • Death of Emily Davinson: dead crushed by the hooves of the horse runnig for the King during a Derby.

  • Votes for women older than 30 or iver 21 when they have their own house or married to householders.

  • 1st female MP in the Commons : Nancy Astor

  • Everyone over the age of 21 can votes

  • Equal Pay Act is due to strike of 187 women workers, in Ford factory during 3 weeks, against the fact their men colleagues earning 15% more than them.

  • The Sex Discrimination Act: [1] made it illegal to discrimiate against Women in work/ education/ training. [2] could apply for a card credit or a loan at their own name.

  • A rape in a marriage is considered as a criminal offence

  • #MeToo movement

  • President club scandal

  • BBC pay scandal

  • Polanski