Second stage of life Development
A. March 3rd 2005
B. Gunner age 4, the choice of what clothes to wear for the day and getting himself dressed.
C. In Erikson’s second stage Autonomy versus doubt.
D. The crises of the second stage is whether he has consistent restraint in taking to long to make a decision or his mother having the patients to help and encourage him and to ask for help when he is needing it. -
Fourth stage of life Development
A.November 10, 2009
B. Sara Age 8, raises hand in class, to be called on Sara answers the question.
C. This is the fourth stage of Erikson’s stage industry versus inferiority
D. The crises of the fourth stage is answers the question correctly or incorrectly. -
Stage six of life Development
A. June 22nd, 2019
B. Rachel Age 18, going to college
C. This is the sixth sage intimacy versus isolation
D. The crises of stage sixth, living on campus in the dorms or living in a one bedroom apartment off campus.