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How did Adolf Hitler rise to power?

  • Ending of World War 1

    Ending of World War 1
    Germany realized the war was unwinnable and signed an amistice ending the fighting.
  • Communist Revolution

    Communist Revolution
    As its imperial government collapsed, civil unrest and worker stikes spread across the nation. Fearing a Communist Revolution, major parties joined to supress the uprisings, establishing the parliamentary Weimar Republic.
  • Germany's Responsability

    Germany's Responsability
    Germany had to accept responsability for the war and pay reparations. All this was seen as an humiliation by many nationalists and veterans. The wrongly believed the war could have been won if the aarmy hadn't been betrayed by politicians and protesters.
  • Hitler's obssesion

    Hitler's obssesion
    Adolf Hiter bigotry paranoid delusions led him to pin the blame on Jews. His words found resonance in a society with many anti-Semitic people.
  • The German Society

    The German Society
    Hundreds og thousand of Jews had integrated in German Society but many Germans continued to perceve them as a outsiders.
  • Leadership

    When Hitler joined a small nationalist political party, his manipulative public speaking launched him into the leadership and drew increasingy larger crowds. The Nazis denounced both Communism and Capitalism as nternational Jewish compiracies to destroy Germany.
  • Traitor

    A year later, the party was banned and Hitler went to jail for treason. But upon his realase about a year later, he immediately began to rebuild the movement.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    In 1929, the Great Depression happened. It led to American banks withdrawing their loans from Germany and German economy collapsed overnight, which led Germany to a crisis.
  • Elections of 1932

    Elections of 1932
    Some of the frustrated public flocked to the Nazis increasing votes from under 3% to over 18% in just two years. In 1932, Adolf ran from elections losing the election to decorated war hero General von Hinderburg.
  • Hitler and Von Hindenburg

    Hitler and Von Hindenburg
    The following year, advisors and buisness leaders convince Hinderburg to appoint Hitler as a Chancellor. Hitler steadily expanded the power of his position.
  • The Parliament bulding on fire

    The Parliament bulding on fire
    In 1933, a young worker was covincied of setting fire to the parliament bulding. Hitler use the event to convice the government to grant him emergeny powers.
  • Laws of 34's

    Laws of 34's
    Within a matter of months, freedom of the press was abolished, other parties were disbanded, and anti-Jewish laws were passed. Many of Hitler's early radical supporters were arrested and executed, along with potential rivals and when President Hinderburg died in August 1934, it was clear there would be no new election.