Pathologist Harrison Martland terms 'Punch Drunk' amongst boxers.
(month and date not accurate however year is.) -
Ameilia Earhart succefully flys as passanger across the Atlantic Ocean
Dr. Cantu states in study that if a player recieves more than 3 concussions in a seson the season should be terminated
(month and date are not accurate) -
Hoge Merril sues NFL on concussion standards
date not accurate -
American Idol was created
Panthers Linebacker Dan morgan recieves 5 concussions in one season and forced to alternitive termination
date month and year not accurate but can be generalized from timeline of informatino given in the article -
NE Patriots Linebacker Ted Johnson receives concusion and returned to play to early becasue didnt want to loose tema contract
date and month not acurate -
Wayne Cherbet confirms mood change and memory loss at an early age after having been unconcious from concussion and returend to play to early
"She Wolf" by Shakira came out
Greg Miller writes an article for Science Mag abuot how the NFL is handling the current concussion problem. He also worte about first hand experiences with Chris Nowinski
Occupy Wall Street began in Zucotti Park
Research Published on how CTE is found among athletes and how it can be treated.
month and date are not accurate -
Research on CTE published by Boston University
Oregon college shooting makes the 45th school shooting in america in 2015