How Air Transportation has Changed over time

  • Wright Flyer

    Wright Flyer
    inventors aboutThe wright flyer was the first ever susscuful engined air plane ever
    made in history
  • German focke-wulf fu 61

    German focke-wulf fu 61
    It was invented by an unknowned inventor, but he was very succesful
  • Hiller 360

    Hiller 360
    It was invented by americian inventor Stanley Hiller.
  • Tupolev Tu-144

    Tupolev Tu-144
    Speeds up to 2100 Kilometers per hour carrying 100 passengers. It is also 62.20 meteres long 11.25 Meteres high 25.10 meteres in wingspan crew 2 pilots 1 flight engenering cbin crew
  • US Space Shuttle

    US Space Shuttle
    The worlds first reuseble Space Shuttle
  • B-2 bommer

    B-2 bommer
    The B-2 bommer bombed Iraq and Aphganistan. Attack enemy targets with less fear of relation
  • Northtop Grumman B-2 spirit

    Northtop Grumman B-2 spirit
    It is a american stragitc bomber.It had a JDAM GPS
  • Airbus A380

    Airbus A380
    It holds 1255 passengers. It is 72 feet long 80 feet in wingspan
  • Airbus A400

    Airbus A400
    It is a four engined air craft with orgatic capabilites. This airplane range is about 3000 Miles and can go up to 485 mph
  • Airbus A350 XWB

    Airbus A350 XWB
    I can hold 250-350 passengers in 3 class seating. It is basicly the A330 with a few minor changes