Household Management Technological Advances

  • Engine Powered Vacuum Cleaner

    Engine Powered Vacuum Cleaner
    Enabled households to clean better and quicker
  • Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning
    Enabled households to be more comfortable in warmer weather.
  • Electric Iron

    Electric Iron
    Enabled households to iron their wrinkles out of their clothes.
  • Electric Toaster

    Electric Toaster
    Enabled households to toast their bread.
  • Refrigerator

    Keeps foods cold.
  • Electric Dishwasher

    Electric Dishwasher
    Saves households time cleaning dishes.
  • Automatic Pop up Toaster

    Automatic Pop up Toaster
    Makes making toast easier
  • Garbage Disposal

    Garbage Disposal
    Makes disposing of food easier.
  • Clothes washer

    Clothes washer
    Saves time washing clothes.
  • Clothes Dryer

    Clothes Dryer
    Dries clothes a lot quicker than air drying.
  • Twin Top Stove with Griddle

    Twin Top Stove with Griddle
    More options for cooking opportunities.
  • Automatic coffee maker

    Automatic coffee maker
    Enables households to quickly make coffee
  • Garbage Burner

    Garbage Burner
    Eliminates waste from households
  • Microwave Oven

    Microwave Oven
    Enables families to quickly make small meals.
  • Cold Spot Freezer

    Cold Spot Freezer
    Households can save food for longer periods of time.
  • Velcro

    Made securing garments easier
  • Speed Mixer

    Speed Mixer
    Saved time and effort when baking or cooking foods.
  • Computer Modem

    Computer Modem
    Improves the lives of households.
  • Self Cleaning Oven

    Self Cleaning Oven
    Saves time cleaning an oven.
  • First Sewing Machine

    First Sewing Machine
    Enables households to quickly repair or construct clothing.
  • Infrared Smoke Detector

    Infrared Smoke Detector
    Enables households to quickly know if a fire or smoke is in their homes so they can evacuate quickly
  • Camera Phone

    Camera Phone
    Lets people can pictures on the go and share with friends and family.
  • Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

    Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
    Enables households to save time vacuuming.
  • Solar shingles

    Solar shingles
    Solar powered electricity for households
  • Wii

    Entertainment and exercise for families
  • Fitbit

    Allows a person to track their fitness progress.
  • IPhone

    Calling, texting, and internet access at one's fingertips
  • Dyson Air Multiplier

    Dyson Air Multiplier
    A blade-less fan to provide better air flow in homes.
  • IPad

    A smaller more portable access to internet at one's fingertips.
  • Smart Appliances

    Smart Appliances
    Appliances that make life easier and quicker in homes.