Household Management By: Courtney Nigro

  • Engine Powered Vacuum Cleaner

    Engine Powered Vacuum Cleaner
    The engine powered vacuum cleaner impacted the family and homes by making cleaning the carpets easier and more efficient. Also since it was a company service that came to your home, it took away the task of the family doing it themselves.
  • Electric Toaster

    Electric Toaster
    This technology in the home makes toasting bread very quick and efficient. It would give the person cooking the food a faster time to get the food on the table.
  • First Domestic Vacuum Cleaner

    First Domestic Vacuum Cleaner
    The domestic vacuum cleaner gave the family the freedom of cleaning their floors on their own time and in a timely manner. It really revolutionized cleaning floors.
  • First Refrigerator for Home Use

    First Refrigerator for Home Use
    This was a huge impact on the homes and their use of foods. Food could now stay cold in the comfort of a families home.
  • Electric Dishwasher

    Electric Dishwasher
    This gave the family the leisure of not having to hand wash dishes after meals. It gave who ever was cleaning a quicker way to remove the dishes mess after eating or cooking and made the whole process so much faster.
  • Calrod Developed

    Calrod Developed
    A calrod is a tubular heating element that creates electricity into heat. These are used in ovens, toasters, stoves and any cooking appliance like that. It created an alternative to cooking without using gas appliances. Switching to electricity was more efficient for cooking and controlling heat.
  • Automatic Pop-Up Toaster

    Automatic Pop-Up Toaster
    The pop-up toaster created a method of stopping the cooking when the toast was done. It gave the cook in the home the opportunity to not have to watch the bread so it did not burn.
  • Blender

    The blender brought a whole new technique and style to cooking. This was an quick and efficient way to puree foods for cooking. It brought new styles of food to the family table.
  • Iron with an Adjustable Temperature Control

    Iron with an Adjustable Temperature Control
    This gave families the ability to press and iron their clothes without burning them. It gave them the ability to have different material of clothing to be ironed as well at different temperatures.
  • First Garabe Disposal

    First Garabe Disposal
    This was great for the family in their homes because they had the ability to have food be ground up and flushed away in pipes, instead of it sitting in the trash rotting. This most likely helped reduce the amount of garbage families produced.
  • Washing Machine

    Washing Machine
    This machine was the first washing machine that washed, rinsed and extracted the water in its one cycle. This cut out time on wringing out the clothes after a wash. This gave families a more efficient way to clean clothes faster.
  • First Clothes Dryer

    The clothes dryer changed the process of laundry completely. Clothes used to have to be dried on a clothes line outside which took time to dry. With the dryer things could be dried in a more timely manner. This made laundry easier and more convenient for families at the time.
  • Microwave Oven

    Microwave Oven
    The microwave really changed the game in reheating food and eating leftovers in general. This was one of the biggest technological advances in the home. It opened a door to frozen meals and so on.
  • First Automatic Coffee Pot

    First Automatic Coffee Pot
    Automatic coffee pot created a faster alternative to making coffee. It would make mornings more efficient and it would make it easier to make when guests are over.
  • Spray Mist Added to Iron

    Spray Mist Added to Iron
    The spray mist added to the iron made it easier for people to also steam out wrinkles in clothes. It also made the iron more adaptable to different clothing material. This advance made it easier for families to iron their clothes and get out the door.
  • Self-Cleaning Oven

    Self-Cleaning Oven
    The self-cleaning oven was a alternative to a person taking the time to clean an oven by hand. This way the oven is also cleaned almost better because it makes sure to burn everything out.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    The computer was an amazing invention. It has come so far and it is interesting to see the changes over the years. Computers connect families who are apart, they provide information you may need and the ultimately opened the door to a whole different way of life.
  • Electric Sewing Machine

    Electric Sewing Machine
    The electric sewing machine was a big technological advance for women because during this era a lot of women made their own clothing for themselves and their family.
  • Environmentally Friendly Washer/Dryer

    Environmentally Friendly Washer/Dryer
    This technology was one that made families aware of being conservative of their resources like the amount of water and electricity they used. This was good for families because it made them aware of how much they use and could work on that as a family.
  • Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

    Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
    The robotic vacuum cleaner essentially took away the task of cleaning the floors. It was seen as out of sight, out of mind. This would be beneficial for families who are always busy and out of the house.
  • Transformer Fluid from Vegetables

    Eco-friendly ways to run machinery was a big technological advance. Families who focus on being Eco-friendly can enjoy this technological advance.
  • Artifical Liver

    Artifical Liver
    Artificial body parts gives people a chance at life even if they do not have an organ donor. It gives families a piece of mind that their loved ones can live without depending on someone else to give them that chance.
  • Self-Cleaning Window

    Self-Cleaning Window
    The self-cleaning window eliminated the task of cleaning windows through the home. Cleaning windows can be a long task but with the self-cleaning one people would not have to worry about that.
  • AbioCor Artificial Heart

    An artificial heart is another medical technological advance that gives people and families an alternative to saving someone. This can give family a piece of mind if a loved one is ever needing a new heart.
  • Date Rape Drug Spotter

    Date Rape Drug Spotter
    This technology gave people and families comfort in knowing these type of drugs can be spotted. It made parents of young adults have more comfort in knowing technology could recognize the drug now if it were ever to be used on someone.
  • Braille Glove

    The braille glove is an audible glove that reads the braille out loud as someone grazes their hands over the braille. This could help families with blind children learn braille more easily.
  • Toyota Hybrid Car

    The hybrid car again showed people the importance of conservation. This car was used by all sorts of people and even families, making them all more aware of conserving the earth's energy.
  • Infared Fever Screening

    Infared Fever Screening
    Infared fever screening gave doctors the technology to detect fevers other than using a thermometer. If a child were sick and very young, the infared technology could be an alternative to using a thermometer.
  • YouTube

    YouTube gave people the opportunity to connect with people all over the world through video. It gave families and parents the opportunity as well to use it as lessons or entertainment for their children.
  • Fabrics Made From Raw Milk

    Fabrics Made From Raw Milk
    Different fabrics being invented gave alternatives to the usual fabrics used in clothing. This would be good for children or people who are allergic to certain kinds of fabrics.