Household Advancement Technologies Over the Past Century

By vrwk777
  • Pre-Modern Era: Engine Powered Vacuum Cleaner

    Cecil Booth, an engineer, designed this machine which functions primarily atop a horse-drawn cart.
  • Pre-Modern Era: Electric Toaster

    This common household appliance, designed by engineers at General Electric, had no outside casing and the toast had to be flipped upside down using one's hand.
  • Pre-Modern Era: Electric Dishwasher

    Heavily advertised at the time, this kitchen appliance aided in the task of washing one's dishes after meals.
  • Pre-Modern Era: Clothes Dryer

    Inspired by cold Northern weather, a shed with an oil-heated lamp became the first dryer.
  • Modern Era: Automatic Coffee Pot

    Surprisingly advanced for its time, this appliance had the ability to cut off the supply of coffee when it has peaked.
  • Modern Era: Electronic Sewing Machine

    One button gives users access to a plethora of unique designs and stitches.
  • Modern Era: Prototype of the Electric Vacuum Cleaner

    This Swedish invention uses ultrasound to move about each room.
  • Post-Modern Era: Birth Control Patch

    This helpful inventions assists individuals in family management as they can practice family-planning.
  • Post-Modern Era: Toyota's Hybrid Car

    This vehicle provides a cost-efficient and environmentally-efficient option for the transportation of families.
  • Post-Modern Era: The iPhone

    This one is obvious. A hugh technological advancement, this cellular device offers a smart and convenient platform for what is essentially a handheld computer.
  • Post-Modern Era: Bedbug Detective

    Addressing the health of children and families, specially trained dogs use scent to sniff out bedbugs.