Roe v. Wade
This landmark court decision meant that women, with the consent of their physician, could have an abortion if it was early enough in the pregnancy (1st trimester). If the state had limitiations that interfered with a woman's access to abortion within that 1st trimester, they were considered invalid and a violation of that woman's Nineth amendment, her right to privacy (Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision). -
First reading of House Bill 1337.
House Bill 1337, authored by Representatives Cox, Mayfield, Bacon, and Judy, was read to the state house of representatives for the first time. House Bill 1337 designed to place severe restrictions on a woman's access to abortion. Details can be found in the link (Actions for House Bill 1337). -
House Bill 1337 Passed by House
House Bill 1337 Passed by the House after the third reading. 74 to 23 (Actions for House Bill 1337). -
House Bill 1337 Passed by Senate
House Bill 1337 Passed by Senate after the third reading. 37 to 13 (Actions for House Bill 1337). -
Signed by the Speaker.
Bill 1337 sent back to the House with proposed amandements. House approved said amendments. Bill 1337 was signed by the Speaker (Actions for House Bill 1337). -
House Bill 1337 now Public Law 213
Governor Mike Pence signed house Bill 1337. That same day the bill became Public Law 213 (Actions for House Bill 1337). -
Periods for Pence
Throughout the week of April 3rd, 2016, many women have called or written Governor Mike Pence about their periods as a form of protest against Public Law 213. "Periods for Pence" started as a Facebook page which was created late last month. NYT stated, "The page’s creator takes particular issue with the requirement that miscarried fetuses be interred or cremated, noting that 'fertilized eggs can be expelled during a woman’s period without a woman even knowing' she is pregnant" (Smith).