
hot air ballons

  • when it was first evented

    when it was first evented
    in Avignon, the Montgolfier brothers built a light paper bag in an oblong shape with approximately 40 cubic feet of capacity and used it to test their experiment.
  • when it was invented

    when it was invented
    who it was invened Joeseph and Stephen Montgolfier
  • when the first flight was

    when the first flight was
    the day appointed for the first balloon flight exhibition before the members of the Royal Academy ascended with a load from 400-500lbs. Unfortunately, due to high winds, there was a violent gust of wind damaging the balloon.
  • who loached the first hot air balloon

    who loached the first hot air balloon
    Pilatre De Rozier, a scientist, launched the first hot air balloon called 'Aerostat Reveillon'. The passengers were a sheep, a duck and a rooster and the balloon stayed in the air for a grand total of 15 minutes before crashing back to the ground.
  • aerostatic machine

    at the Chateau de la Muette, took place an experiment with the aerostatic machine of M. de Montgolfier. The sky was partly clouded; wind north-west. At eight minutes afternoon, a mortar gave notice that the machine was about to be filled. In eight minutes, notwithstanding the wind, it was ready to set off
  • first manned balloon flight

    only 10 days after the first manned balloon flight, Jacques Alexandre César Charles and Nicholas Louis Robert launched a balloon using hydrogen gas for lift and sand for ballast.
  • successfully flight

    Jean Pierre Blanchard successfully flew across the English channel using hydrogen.
  • hydrogen and heat

    Pilatre de Rozier and Romain attempted to cross the English Channel in a combined balloon using hydrogen and heat.