Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Becomes Shah of Iran
The Iran Shah was brought in as the leader of the country through the help of the American CIA because he was very pro America and other western countries. The Shah traded with the US, they gave oil and the US gave protection from other middle eastern countries. Other politacal leaders in Iran disliked this trade and also that the Shah tortured people for information so they ovethrough the country and kicked him out. -
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Iran Hostage Situation
Shah is exiled from Iran
The Shah is exiled from Iran for many reasons, he was very good friends with the US and di many trades with them. The Iranian people didnt like the US so hated these relations. He was also knows to torture and keep people in prison for long periods of time for minimal reasons. The public didnt aprove of this and this let to him being overthrown. -
Shah is allowed into US for cancer treatment
The Shah is allowed to enter the US for cancer treatment but the Iranians didnt aprove of this and retaliated. -
Iranians invade US Embassy
One day after the former Shah is alowed into the US Iranians protest by invadinf the US embassy and taking 66 hostages. -
American Citezens Speak Out
We'd probably gain more by letting [the Shah] go than to fight it out. I've always wondered why we should shelter him anyway. It's not very much of the United States' business (what happens to the Shah). Tampa Tribune Many American citezens though that all we had to do was give Iran the Shah and they would give us the hostages back but the government wanted to try and get the hostagesback without giving up the Shah sho had been a great friend of the US for years. -
President Carter's Reelction Campaign
President Carter has become obsessed with getting the hostages back and this has dropped his chances of reelection. He has been focusing all his time on getting the hostages back and not his reelection campaign. -
Hostages are Returned
President Carter loses his reelction and hours later all of the hostages are releases 444 days after they are taken. This makes President Carter look very bad and he is now only remembered for his fail at trying to get the hostages back.