
Hospitality and Tourism Timeline

  • 400 BCE

    Roman Era

    By the time that 400 BC, the Roman empire had expanded into an entire nation of its own. They had built over 80,000 km of road in Europe making it easier to travel and venture out to different places. They also built taverns, restaurants, and various entertainment spots for tourists.
  • 300 BCE

    4800 B.C - A.D 300

    4800 B.C - A.D 300
    Travelling became easier due to the quick advancements in society. People were actually encouraged to travel, to see the beautiful cities around.
  • 150 BCE

    Early Civilizations

    Early Civilizations
    During the early civilization times many people would only travel for their own gain. No one was truly travelling to have fun it was typically done by foot over long day spans. It was done often due to possible trades.
  • Period: 400 to 1400

    Middle Ages

    Many kingdoms were spread apart so, merchants had to travel a somewhat greater distance. This was also referred to as the dark ages, the thought of venturing out made so many people excited and curious. It caused people to the interested in seeing so many new things.
  • Period: to

    17th - 19th century

    England's nobility began sending their sons to different countries and places for education. They were also taught important skills to be able to take over their dads' estate when they passed. Yet, these trips lasted several years in order to get them all the experience you needed.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    During the industrial revolution a middle class was able to emerge due to the industrial revolution. The new economy allowed people to travel as freely as they wanted to. One of the big changes in this era was the creation of the car and steam engine.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    The outbreak of war made travel dangerous all over again. People rarely traveled for their own pleasure due to the outbreak of war. Even with the ware going on many things became more comfortable for travel.
  • After World War II

    Tourism grew all over again, transportation systems became safer and more comfortable.
  • Modern Day Tourism

    Modern Day Tourism
    These previous advancements made tourism what it is today. Tourism is at an all time high and many people do it often. Yet, events like 9/11 made travelling a bit more restricted than before.