HoSpirits timeline

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  • Dictatorship

    Dictatorship is established by General Carlos Ibanez del Campo. This relates to Esaban's role in Tes Marias and his high opinion of dictatorship.
  • Economic crash

    Economic crash hits Chile. Esteban becomes rich during this time period because of mining and running a successful hacienda. This is also around the time Rosa the beautiful died.
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    Communists, socialists, and other radicals band up and introduce new ideals which relate to the US policies.
  • Radical

    Radical party takes over the country. Pedro, Blanca's lover and father of alba, is one of the radicals. Estaban tries to kill him, but only is able to cut off three fingers.
  • US goes to war

    The United States joins World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Esteban was aware of the war more than anyone at Tres Marias. He listened to the raidio and all of the talk of war.
  • Period: to

    Communism banned

  • Carlos Ibanez president

    Carlos Ibanez president
    He is elected president and plans to strengthen dictatorship rule in the country. Similarly, Eseban runs for office, and wins, where he becomes the Senator of the Republic.
  • Eduardo Frei Montalva

    Eduardo Frei Montalva
    The christian democrat president who called his presidency the "revolution in liberty". He participated in the senate for years before his presidency. He was the president until 1970. Esteban is paranoid about the radical party gaining party and people start to think he is going insane.
    Alba joins with the revolutionalists.
  • Allende

    Salvador Allende is democratically elected and is a Marxist president that proceeds to do social reform. Esteban is upset that the radicals won the election and immediatly conspires with forgein intellegence agencies, military officials, and other members of the dictator party to establish a new government.
  • 1973

    Gen Augusto Pinochet overthrows Allende in a CIA-sponsored coup. It restablishes dictatorship in the country. Allende is killed in the coup. There were about 130,000 arrests and a couple thousand are believed to be dead from the coup. Alba is tortured in prison during the coup and her will of surviving came after seeing her grandmother's spirit.