Honors World History Timeline - Dean Musto

  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to


  • 641

    Siege of Alexandria

    marked the complete fall of Egypt and North Africa to the Muslim Caliphate
  • 661

    Brief Islamic Civil War

    The time of when the Rashidun Caliphate fell to the Umayyad Caliphate, which then continued the war in Egypt
  • 700

    Ghana Empire

    Soninke people called their leader
    Ghana or war chief
    Muslim traders adopted the term
    Ghana to refer to the Soninke
    Ghana leaders gained wealth and
    power by taxing goods traded
    through their territory
  • 709

    End of the brief Islamic Civil War

    The end of the Civil War, Umayyads came into power over the Rashidun
  • 800

    The East African Slave Trade

    In addition to raw materials such as ivory, gold and skins. Muslim merchants exported slaves from East Africa. Muslim traders purchased kidnapped East African slaves in any of the East African trade cities and sent them to markets throughout the Middle East,
    India, and as far as China. This approximately lasted 1,000 years.
  • 1000

    Hausa city-states, Yoruba kingdoms, and Benin

    City-state – a single city and it’s surrounding are of influence (language) Hausa city-states (1000) – named after the language they spoke. Rulers of each city-state held great power but were checked by other officials, Yoruba Kingdoms and Benin were one of these city-states.
  • 1040

    Rise of the Almoravids

    Berber group who emerged in the
    Western Maghreb in 1040 and
    developed strong Islamic faith
    under the teachings of Ibn Yasin
  • 1050

    Rise of Great Zimbabwe

    The city of Great Zimbabwe controlled the trade route linking the gold fields with the coastal trading city of Sofala. Leaders taxed this and other trade routes turning Great Zimbabwe into the thriving
    cultural center of it’s empire.
  • 1076

    Fall of Ghana Empire

    Falls to the Almoravids
  • 1121

    Rise of the Almohad Caliphate

    Began as a religious movement in
    the Atlas Mountains of Morocco
    under the teachings of Ibn Tumart
    Almohads criticized to Almoravids
    for moving away from the
    traditional practice of Islam and
    stressed a strict interpretation of the
    Qur’an and Sharia Law
  • 1147

    Fall of the Almoravids

    Fell to the Almohad Caliphate
  • 1235

    Reign of Sundiata

    The leader and founder of the Mali Empire
  • 1255

    Death of Sundiata

  • 1269

    Fall of the Almohad Caliphate

  • 1312

    Reign of Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa awakened the world to Mali’s Greatness in 1324 when he spent so much gold that he deflated it’s price in Cairo for the next 12 years!
  • 1324

    Mansa Musa takes the Hajj

  • 1332

    Death of Mansa Musa

  • 1420

    Rise of the Mutapa Empire

    Founded by Prince Nyatsimba
    Mutota (1420). Raised an army and expanded through conquest Origin: Conquered people called Mutota mwene mutapa or “master pillager”. Portuguese interference in the early 1500’s mark the beginning of European colonialism.
  • 1450

    Fall of Great Zimbabwe

  • 1464

    Rise of the Songhai Empire

    Broke off of the Mali Empire in mid 15th century, founded by Sunni Ali
  • 1464

    Reign of Sunni Ali

    As a skilled military tactician, he built an empire through military conquest professional army made up of river boat war canoes and
  • 1492

    Death of Sunni Ali

  • 1493

    Reign of Askia the Great

    Known as Askia Muhammad, Sunni Ali’s nephew and
    one of his generals, challenged the reign of Ali’s son due to his lack of Islamic faith, and drove him out in 1493. The reign of Askia the
    Great is known for an improved efficient central government.
  • 1500

    Hausa city-states, Yoruba kingdoms, and Benin fall

  • 1500

    Fall of the Mutapa Empire

  • 1528

    Death of Askia the Great

  • Fall of the Songhai Empire

    By the 16th century, the Songhai
    had fallen behind militarily in 1591, a Moroccan army crossed
    the Sahara and defeated the Songhai. The Moroccan army was equipped with gun powder and cannons and the Songhai only with spears and arrows. This marks the end of the 1,000 year period of West African Kingdoms.
  • The end of the East African Slave Trade